Witchcraft offers spiritual benefits

"But as of today, witchcraft seems to be rather popular amongst the media. Now, what is witchcraft, you ask?"

Posted Oct. 19, 2022

By Sal McElhaney

Staff Reporter

Witchcraft has been a rather interesting thing to exist throughout the years, starting out as something rather sinful and heavily frowned upon.  

But as of today, witchcraft seems to be rather popular amongst the media. Now, what is witchcraft, you ask? 

Witchcraft is the practice of of magic (especially black magic),  spirituality, and the use of different kinds of spells. Of course, witchcraft is different for different religions. There are Satanist witches, Pagan witches, heck even Christian witches. Witchcraft is for all religions, all races, all kinds of people in general.

According to https://people.ucalgary.ca/~nurelweb/papers/hayes/witch.html, over 200 people were accused of being witches and burned to death, specifically in South African in the beginning of 1994 and mid 1995. Considering it was so frowned upon back then, it truly is hard to believe that it would get so popular of of today. But today, especially through tiktok, witches of all kinds all over the world are gathering together and bonding over connecting to the more spiritual sides of themselves. 

I have to say, witchcraft is a wonderful way to connect with others, get spiritual and be passionate about each other’s various beliefs. There are many different gods to choose from to work alongside, and of course the gods you’d wish to not be enemies with. (ex: Hades, Zeus, Aphrodite, and so on) Another pro to witchcraft is getting to dive into the various ways to worship the gods, one of the most common being the gods’ variety of preferred offerings.

Of course, to this day witches still get shamed and hated on for their practices, which is honestly a shame because no one should be shamed for their religion and their beliefs, and I’ve noticed that pagan witches and christian witches seem to get a lot of hate, especially through tiktok. Another couple of ways witchcraft can be practiced are through different handmade spells, protection stones, incense, and shrines made for the gods the witch desires to worship, collecting offerings for the shrine. 

It honestly fascinates me how much you can connect with the spirit realm through witchcraft and sorcery, connecting with high status godly deities and other kinds of spirits. I’ve been wanting to get into witchcraft myself, and I do hope it works out for me and anyone else who desire to get into witchcraft in the end.