Scots' third quarter comeback comes up short

Posted Feb. 28, 2023

By Tyler Lamar

Cub Reporter

Despite the team’s strenuous efforts and strategic plays, the boys' basketball team was undermanned against the Clackamas Cavaliers, making the game’s final score 70-59, at home on Feb. 14. 

To begin the game, Clackamas scored three points. Senior 6-foot-4 forward Drew Satterthwaite made two successful free throws, bringing the scores to 2-7. Clackamas then stole the ball for a layup resulting in two more points, only for sophomore 6-foot-1 guard Omar Kassim to quickly rebound the ball and make a layup. With about three minutes on the buzzer, the scoreboard read 9-4. To conclude the quarter, junior 6-foot-3 forward Vitaliy Sergeychuk scored with a layup against intense defense, making the final score of the quarter 17-8, Cavs.

Coach Chad Reeves needed a timeout to slow down the Caveliers. Photo by News Editor Emilia Gutu.

The second quarter began with a Cavalier foul, putting Drew Satterthwaite at the free throw line where he scored the Scots two points. He then made two more points with another two successful free throws. Clackamas made their first points for the quarter with a 3-point basket. With the Scots’ force and the impact of Kassim and senior 5-foot-11 guard Carlens Ostin for the remainder of the quarter, the final score came to a close 37-33, Cavs. 

Quarter three began with a failed Clackamas putback. Junior 6-foot-2 guard Lincoln Satterthwaite then scored a 3-pointer, creating just a three point difference. As the game began to grow more intense, Sergeychuk scored two points with an alley-oop layup after a pass from Drew Satterthwaite. The third quarter ended with junior 6-foot-3 forward Freddie Elliot bringing in two points with a putback from his own shot. This left the scoreboard at a close 48-44, Cavs. 

The last quarter began with Clackamas scoring 3 points. The next several Douglas scores were thanks to Ostin. Clackamas was seemingly more aggressive this quarter, and took most of the plays. The quarter ended with several Clackamas free throws. The game concluded with a final score of 70-59.

“We have a group of guys that continue to show up and work on getting better,"   said coach Chad Reeves. "Although our league record is not what we want it to be, these guys continue to impress me with the way that they competeWe were short-handed against Clackamas which gave some guys the chance to step up and I was pleased with our effort.”