Is it time to question America's two-party system?

"These two political parties are not only limiting, but also potentially dangerous. When there are only two parties to choose from, voters will inevitably begin to vote based on party lines rather than rational thought, prioritizing party loyalty above national unity."

Posted Dec. 11, 2022

By Ava McRae

Cub Reporter

Under America’s current two-party system, Democrat and Republican parties dominate all three levels of the government. Other parties, deemed “third parties,” are allowed to run, but have a low chance of winning. It’s been this way since the beginning of the country's independence, but is this black and white system the best choice for America?

A two-party system is a simple system. It’s easier to govern, and in the eyes of the public, easier to understand. When a Republican or Democrat is elected, citizens know what to expect. However, this same advantage can also serve as a disadvantage. According to a survey by the Pew Research Center held in August of 2022, voters with unfavorable views of both political parties rose from 6% in 1994 to 27% in 2022. In a Gallup survey held in October 2022, 35% of voters identified themselves as Independent, a higher number than those that identified as Republican or Democrat, yet few Independent candidates are voted into office, with just two senators and zero House representatives identifying as Independent. With the two-party system in place, voters cannot vote for a candidate that they want elected, and are instead forced to vote for the lesser of two evils to stand any chance of making their vote count.

These two political parties are not only limiting, but also potentially dangerous. When there are only two parties to choose from, voters will inevitably begin to vote based on party lines rather than rational thought, prioritizing party loyalty above national unity. If a voter chooses to vote for a presidential candidate that leans heavily toward one party, they’re not only voting for the policies they agree with, they’re voting for all policies that candidate puts in place whether they agree with them or not. Originally, the two-party system made the parties so general that they would cover all political beliefs, but it ended up doing the opposite. If a voter agrees with both Republican and Democrat views, they may not be able to vote for the ideal candidate, as they’re usually on two opposing sides of the spectrum. If there was another party, people might widen their political horizons and see past their party lines, prioritizing the country’s needs over party loyalty.

With growing unease surrounding the two-party system from not only Independents, but also Republicans and Democrats, a third, independent party with more moderate policies and candidates would be the best choice for America moving forward. This third party would allow voters a real choice in the state of the country and a chance to vote for what they believe in.