Injuries factor into Clackamas defeat

“I’m excited for our next week's game against Sandy,” coach Szueber said. “A lot more guys are coming back next week. [I’ve] never been more proud of the team because of the effort they did tonight.” Photos by staff reporters Mila Romero and Kensy Buck.

Posted Sept. 20, 2022

By Long Le

Staff Reporter

The football team was defeated by Clackamas at home, 45-0, on Sept. 16, due to being outmanned, missing 14 of their starters, mostly due to injuries.

 Exhaustion may have been a factor with four minutes left in the second quarter. 

“We played great until about 4 minutes left in the 2nd quarter when Clackamas scored a long touchdown,” assistant coach Steve Andreen said. “Our defense executed our game plan very well, but we just ran out of gas.”

The first quarter started out strong for Douglas. Junior wide receiver Ruben Scott received the kickoff and returned it to 33 yard line. The Scots then moved it to the 44. Douglas couldn’t break Clackamas’ defenses, however tturned it over to Clackamas on downs. The Scots’ defense was strong starting out, but was soon overwhelmed by the Cavaliers who broke through and scored a touchdown, making it 6-0 at 6.03 when they missed the extra point. 

The Cavs led the time of possession in the second quarter, but Douglas picked up its defense from the previous quarter. Clackamas’ offense kept up the pressure, but David Douglas made a goal line stance and took over the ball on downs, the score still 6-0, Cavs. 

The pace picked up in Clackamas’ favor in the second quarter as Douglas was exhausted. The Cavs scored a touchdown with 4:32 remaining, then followed the touchdown with a two-point conversion, making the score 14-0. Then with 2:56 remaining in the second, Clackamas broke through Douglas' line, scoring a touchdown, adding another two-point conversion, making the score 22-0. A defensive stop was made by Douglas three seconds left in the half, preventing further scoring by Clackamas.

The third quarter began with Clackamas scoring a touchdown, making the score 29-0 with a extra point. The Cavs then forced a safety, making the score 31-0 with 9:14 remaining in the third. Another Clackamas broke through for another touchdown, making the score  37-0. 

Fourth quarter was slower. Clackamas was the first to score a touchdown, making the score 43-0. They then scored another two-point conversion, making the final 45-0. 

Coach Cal Szueber is still optimistic for David Douglas’s upcoming game against Sandy. The next three games are against MHC teams with similar records, and several injured Scots should be able to play. 

“I’m excited for our next week's game against Sandy,” coach Szueber said. “A lot more guys are coming back next week. [I’ve] never been more proud of the team because of the effort they did tonight.”