Instagram hopes 'Quiet Mode' limits screen time

Posted May 5, 2023

By Kensey Buck

News Editor

Instagram’s new “Quiet Mode” is a new feature to limit social media use, which puts a pause on all the app's notifications.

Users may do this to help turn their focus away from the app itself, as it may be distracting from receiving new notifications. A reason they have added this feature is so they cannot be targeted for the unhealthiness and harms social media can cause for users, mainly teens. This encourages their users to simply take a break from the app, especially at night time. The setting itself pauses notifications from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m., but that can be changed and customized to the visitor's preferred times. 

The point of the default setting is to let users know it’s getting late so they should probably go to bed soon. Having notifications off can give the sense of privacy and get rid of distractions that they cause. It’s also important for mental health because being on social media 24/7 is proven to increase anxiety and depression for some, so taking even the smallest breaks can reduce those factors. Quiet mode is not the only new feature that Instagram has added, they have also added daily time spent controls so their users can see how much time they have spent on the app. This is so one can recognize if they’ve spent too much time on the app, and choose to spend some time off of the app. These two new features connect and are similar because if their user checks their amount of time on the app, then they can decide to silence the notifications using quiet mode if needed. 

Overall, Instagram can avoid any lawmakers who are trying to decrease or takedown any of social media's harsh effects that is affecting teens and many others all over the world today.