Kilt field trip inspires students to pursue culinary career paths

Students view fondant demo given by Chef  Hagen. Photo by staff reporter Mila Romero.

Posted Nov. 18, 2022

By Mila Romero

Entertainment Editor

Culinary I and II students visited Central Oregon Community College and toured the college’s culinary campus.  

The culinary students were guided through the Jungers Culinary Center. They viewed the behind the scenes of COCC’s student led restaurant, Elevation. Similar to The Kilt Eatery, the college students at Central Oregon run Elevation and serve guests that wish to dine in. The Kilt students were informed on what it takes to run the College restaurant and all the classes that were offered in their culinary program. Some classes offered were Applied math for culinary arts, Culinary foundations, International Cuisine, and more.

 Students got to see culinary classes that were taking place while being given a tour of their culinary building. Some students got to go into a classroom and viewed a live demo given by Chef Instructor Laura Hagen. The demo taught David Douglas students as well as the college on how to properly roll fondant onto a dummy cake. 

 Along with the tour of the restaurant, the students were also given the opportunity to tour the food truck just outside of Elevation. While having different paths and diverse culinary arts classes showcased to the culinary students, inspiration struck members of The Kilt and gave students high hopes for their futures in the culinary field. The trip’s purpose was to give students a glimpse of what their futures may look like if they choose to further their culinary education in the near future. 

The Culinary Arts program here at Douglas, provides students with the same curriculum practiced at Cascade Culinary. Measure 98 initiates the fund, High School Success, which is a fund by ballot Measure 98 in November 2016 that improves student progress toward graduation.  Thanks to measure 98, last year, Culinary arts offered students four college credits for Baking 101. This year, students are being offered four college credits under Culinary 101. The class will remain giving students college credits yearly, but the curriculum will continue to differ.