Midterm election results finalized

Posted Nov. 17, 2022

By Reed Mulkey

Opinions Editor

The 2022 midterm election results are finally in, after a long cut-throat race we have a new governor. The first time in a long time there was not a red wave after a Democratic president.  However, governor was not the only issue Oregon voters were voting on. Many ballot measures passed including measure 111, 112, 113, and 114. 

Measure 111 will make it known in Oregon that every Oregonian has the right to affordable health care. 

Oregon Speaker of the House Tina Kotek narrowly beat Republican Kristen Drazen to become the next governor. Photo courtesy U.S. News.

“This would be the first amendment adopted by any state to secure a right to affordable healthcare for all state residents,” states ballotpedia.org. 

A major population of Oregonians have strong beliefs in the right to health care. With recent abortion laws changing Oregonians want to fight for the right to healthcare for all. Including the right to an abortion. 

Measure 112 bans slavery as a criminal punishment. 55% of Oregon voted this measure into effect.

 ¨Nevertheless, she said, no one in Oregon, not even opponents of the measure, support slavery,¨ states opb.org.  

A lot of voters are confused on whether or not this ballot measure means that there won't be any accountability for criminals or not. This measure simply removes the language saying that criminals can be slaves as a punishment for their crimes. 

Measure 113 sets rules in place when it comes to running for legislature. Lawmakers will be disqualified if they have 10 or more unexcused absences from legislative floor sessions. This measure will make it to where lawmakers can't skip out on legislative floor sessions if they don't agree with what is being talked about or just simply don't want to talk about it. 

Measure 114 creates more extensive background checks in order to purchase firearms and bans gun magazines capable of holding ten or more rounds. This measure passed 50% to 49%.  Background checks for guns will look for a criminal record of any kind before selling an Oregonian a gun. If Oregonians have a minor spot on their record they will look into it no matter how small. 

Ron Wyden won the Senate race he has been in since 1996. He is part of the democratic party Wyden tends to look at healthcare specifically child healthcare, he made it to where there is a $2,000 cap on out of pocket healthcare. He claims that tax reform is his number one priority. 

A bond was also passed to upgrade David Douglas High schools in the years to come. There were other schools who had similar bonds that need not pass. 

Democrats won four seats in the house and republicans gained two. 

Oregon consistently votes Democratic. Oregon hasn't had a Republican governor since 1987. This year's midterms almost changed that but Tina Kotek won 47% against Christine Drazan at 43.6%. The other well known candidate, Betsy Johnson earned just 8% of Oregon's votes.  Tina Kotek wanted to attack many issues in Portland, including housing and homeless crisis, climate change, wildfires, mental health, education and childcare, racial justice, community violence protection,and women's rights and reproductive freedoms. 

One of the most controversial proposals Kotek advocated was to address the climate crisis. She has raised $1.8 billion in targeted investments over the last five years to increase access to housing. 

"[The law would] require the state to track affordable housing development and assess housing needs over the next 20 years so we can develop comprehensive plans to beat this crisis,¨ states tinafororegon.com

Kotek also wants to challenge Oregon to keep up with access to healthcare for all. She believes in access to reproductive healthcare, healthcare for all levels of income, immigration status or gender identity.