Scots crush Raiders at home, 66-37, including a barrage of 3-pointers

Posted Feb. 1, 2023

By Emilia Gutu

New Editor

The Scots crushed the Raiders 66-37 at home on Jan. 27 with the drive to win, great assists, and numerous 3-pointers.

Opening the first quarter, the Scots won the tip off by senior 6-foot-3 center Drew Satterthwaite. Four minutes later, two layups by Drew Satterthwaite resulted in four points to none against the Raiders. After a few more plays, the Scots remained on top, 6-5. The Raiders called a timeout early in the game and coming out of the time out, the Raiders made a 3-pointer. Junior 6-foot-2 guard Lincoln Satterthwaite made his first 3-pointer of the game, the score now 9-6. Then junior 6-foot-3 forward Vitaliy Sergeychuk made two layups for the Scots spacing out the score 13-6. To end the first quarter, senior 6-foot-1 guard Elijah Chadwick gained his first points of the game with a layup, 15-6.

In the second quarter, the Raiders made another three-pointer and Lincoln Satterthwaite returned the favor with his second three-pointer of the game. After two more layups by both teams, 22-13, the Raiders called their second time out. Two consecutive plays followed the time out: a layup, and a three-pointer by Drew and Lincoln Satterthwaite, respectively. The Raiders made their second three-pointer as well, 27-15, but the Scots, Lincoln Satterthwaite and senior 6-foot-2 guard Dameeko Nobles made two more three-pointers. Layup by senior 5-foot-12 guard Carlens Ostin closed the second quarter, 35-15.

Senior 6-foot-3 guard David Alderton added four more points with a layup and a jump shot, 39-15. Chadwick assisted Nobles with a jump shot and Drew Satterthwaite made a layup which aided the Scots with four more points. The Raiders came back with six points, two 3-pointers, but Lincoln Satterthwaite was fouled; he made two free throws which caused the Raiders to call their third timeout of the game, 45-21. As soon as the Scots left the time-out, Lincoln Satterthwaite made his fifth 3-pointer of the game. The Raiders were fouled twice, which bumped their score by a few points, and once again Chadwick ended the third quarter with a swift steal and a solo layup, 52-26.

Opening the last quarter, junior 6-foot-3 forward Freddie Elliot made a layup and Chadwick got another steal and a three-pointer, 57-26. The Raiders solely based their points off of their three-pointers since the Scots’ defense was so well maintained. Before the game ended, the Scots made a few more easy layups and free throws, 66-37. With 52 rebounds, 17 assists, 12 steals, and four blocks, the Scots took charge, dominated, and finished the game against the Raiders at home.