Social media's impact on teens needs attention

 "If we don't stop spending so much time on electronics, we will stop doing the things we love, such as sports, after school activities, or cooking classes."

Posted Dec. 11, 2022

By Mariah Anderson

Cub Reporter

 Social media is a serious problem that stops students from focusing on their mental health,  but could it possibly be impacting students' personal relationships? Kids who got a phone at the age of 8-10 are who I'm really worried about. If you give a kid a phone at such a young age it tends to take over and be all they wanna do, they'll stop going outside & stop talking to people who care about them most.

Most social media impact is going towards teens and young adults. If we don't stop spending so much time on electronics we will stop doing the things we love, such as sports,after school activities, or cooking classes.

Social media has really taken over lives and are ways of doing things.Not only does social media impact your mental health, it also impacts your physical health too. What im saying alot of the time social media makes youd o stupid things cause a bunch of other people are doing it. I would know because I once tried to attempt something I saw online and ended up throwing up. Don't get me wrong though social media is great, i love it but ill be trying to talk to my mom or dad and they won't hear me cause their watching tv or stuck watching their phone. 

I’m not saying everyone should just stop using social media, i'm just saying that some people should put down their phone for a little bit and go outside or you don't even have to go outside you  can always just do something you love inside like maybe bake,draw, do origami anything you like to do you can do it.

Today there are over 323 million people who have or tried to online date. Online dating can impact a person's mental health due to the fact that they can't actually see or touch that person they're dating. Not only does it impact your mental health it also impacts your social and emotional health. Once or if they break up with you you’re going to be so mentally drained that you will stop wanting to do anything and be kind of in an idc mood. 

You know how like if you were to say that your stomach hurts you’re parents would be like “its because of your phone”. Well don't believe them parents spend way more time on their electronics then an average teem. Whether it's tweeting or posting embarrassing pictures of their kids on Facebook. It's just an excuse so you can do stuff for them.  There are over 8,000 online dating sites all over the world, Due to all of those dating sites that make people, most likely teens and young adults, want to online date even more.  Due to all of my reasoning of why I think social media impacts personal relationships, I hope this may change your mind about how long you use your phone or any electronics for.