Boys' swim team sinks Raiders 131-35

The boys' swim time left the Reynolds shipwrecked, on Jan. 5, the Scots ending with a similar record from there previous meet 131-35. Photos by Features Editor Katie Liang.

Posted Jan. 18, 2023

By Long Le

Sports Editor

The boys' swim team left the Reynolds shipwrecked, on Jan. 5, the Scots ending with a similar record from there previous meet 131-35.

In the 200 yard Medley, the Scots had two teams placed in first and second with the Raiders having placed third. The first place team was (year) Kian Pease, (year) Schmidt Kahon, (year) Andy Tan, (year) Issac Campbell, with a final time of 1:51.6. The second place team was (year) Daevin Nguyen, Austin Pham, Chung Raymond, Nathan Nguyen, with a final time of 1:55.02. The Raiders final time was 2:00.47.

  In the 200 yard Freestyle the top three were all filled with Douglas boys. In first place; Issac Cambell, final time was 2:01.52. In second is Kian Pease with a final time of 2:11.64. And in third was (year) Zach Young with a final time of 2:24.65. 

In the 200 yard IM two Scots placed.. The Raiders took first place with a final time of 2:13.69. Andy Tan placed second with a final time of 2:20.18. Daevin Nguyen came third with a final time of 2:29.07. 

The 50 Yard freestyle had two Douglas swimmers placements. First place was ,(year) Bao Vuong with a final time of 23.48. Reynolds came in second place with a final time of 25.62. (year) Raymond Chung came in third place with a final time of 26.16. 

The 100 yard Fly placements were filled with only Scots. In First was Issac Cambell, final time.1:05.88. Kahon Schmidt came in second, with a final time of 1:14.35. (year) Issac Matsushima came in third with a final time of 1:18.81. 

In the 100 yard freestyle they were again filled with Scots. Austin Pham came first. Andy Tan came second, Nathan Nguyen came third there final times being 53.57, 55.99, and 1:01.57 respectively. 

In the 500 yard Freestyle David Douglas has two placements. First is Issac Matsushima, second is Zach Young with their final time 6:10.91 and 6:22.75. Reynolds came third there final time is 6:35.70.

In the 200 yard relay two Douglas teams placed. In first is Bao Voung, Andy Tan, Kahon Schmidt, and Austin Pham their final time is 1:35.69. Second is (year) Jonathan Nguyen, (year) 

Raymond Le, Zach Young, and (year) Chris Cong with a final time of 1:55.97. Reynolds came in third with a final time of 1:57.07

The 100 yard back was filled with Scotsmen. Kian Pease came first, Daevin Nguyen, and (year) Viktor Pospisil came third. Their final time is 1:01.80, 1:08.94, and 1:17.73 respectively.

Following afterwards the 100 yard Breaststroke had two Scots placements. Bao Voung came in first, with a final time of 1:02.77. Second was the Raiders, final time 1:03.88. In third is Austin Pham, 1:04.34 is his final time.

  Lastly was the 400 yard relay two Scots team place. Issac Cambell, Kian Pease, Raymond Chung, and Bao Voung. Came in first with a final time of 3:48.28. Daevin Nguyen, Nathan Nguyen, Zach Young, and Raymond Le. Placed second with a final time of 4:16.53. Reynolds placed third with a final time of 4:38.77.