WL Acknowledgement Form Summary Statement of Acceptable Computer Network UsE

Windsor Locks Public Schools

Summary Statement

For Staff

Expectations for Computer,

Network/Internet and Technology

Use and Access


At the beginning of each school year, you are responsible for reading and familiarizing yourself with the Windsor Locks Board of Education Acceptable Use of Computer Network Policy and related technology policies and regulations for staff and students. These are designed to set forth clear parameters for staff and student use of technology in the Windsor Locks Public School District.

The policies and regulations are available for review on the Windsor Locks Public Schools website and copies are available upon request.

Below is a summary statement containing the highlights for acceptable use of technology by staff. This summary is not a substitute for a full review of the District’s acceptable use policy and other related policies and regulations.

Any questions regarding acceptable use of personal and District technology should be directed to your school or site media specialist, school principal or the Superintendent of Schools.

Please sign below to acknowledge receipt and review of this statement, a copy of Policy 4118.5, Acceptable Use of Computers and Network Use and 6141.321, Student Use of the Internet Policy. By signing, you additionally agree to abide by all District policies, regulations and guidelines governing the acceptable use of District technology by students and staff.

A record of this agreement will be retained in your employee personnel file.

Educational Purpose


- Keeping all school accounts and passwords confidential.

- Logging on school technology with own user identification and password

and not sharing user identification or password with others or using

another person’s login information or password at any time.

- Taking reasonable precautions such as logging off when leaving the

computer to prevent student users or unauthorized persons from accessing

your account or viewing, copying or modifying confidential information.

- Taking precautions to prevent viruses.

 - Take care in drafting e-mail and other electronic documents because

anything created or stored in the computer system may potentially be

viewed by others.

 - Becoming familiar with District policies, regulations and guidelines for

staff and students’ use of technology in the Windsor Locks Public Schools

 - Educating students about the appropriate use of technology in and outside

of school including safe online behavior for minors including the use of

social networking sites, chats rooms, and cyber bullying awareness and


 - Monitoring student online behavior at school for acceptable use

 - Reporting to a supervising administrator or instructional technology

director any suspected or witnessed security problems or inappropriate use

by students, staff or other technology users.

Unacceptable Use

- Using the instructional network or Internet access for commercial

business, political or religious advocacy purposes, solicitation or illegal

activities of any kind; use of personal devices/networks during school time

for these purposes is also prohibited.

- Access or dissemination of obscene or pornographic material.

- Sending material critical of or which may be offensive or objectionable to

others, or using the network or Internet to threaten or harass others.

- Engaging in cyber bullying

- Harassing network users, infiltrating computing systems and/or damaging

software components.

- Making any unauthorized entry to or alteration of any document, either

paper or electronic, not created by user.

- Sharing one’s account with anyone or leaving account open or unattended.

- Disclosing personal information about oneself, a student or other staff


- Subscribing to online services without approval of District staff.

- Deliberately misusing the network and its peripherals.

- Installing of software.

- Intentionally bypassing the network filters.

- Tampering with the hardware or software or system configuration.

- Accessing executables from external sources.

- Engaging in copyright infringement or plagiarism

No Expectation of Privacy

Users should have no expectation of privacy in their use of District computers networks/Internet/Intranet or other District technology. All information stored sent/received or maintained may be subject to the Freedom of Information Act Further, the District retains the right to review, store or disclose for any legall permissible reason all information sent or received through or stored on Distric computers, networks, the Internet or other District technology including th District electronic mail systems and reserves the right to edit, or remove an material determined to be unlawful, obscene, indecent, abusive or harmful to the school community.


Users shall maintain the confidentiality of student and personnel records and use reasonable measures to protect confidential student and personnel information. Use of Personal Technology/Social Networking/Web Tools Use of portable devices to the WLPS network, such as wireless cell phones, tables and personal laptops is permissible, but must be in accordance with all applicable policies, regulations and school rules. Use of storage devices such as thumb drives is permissible as well, but limited to the transfer of school related work only. All portable storage devices must be scanned for viruses before use. Use of District approved and supervised social networking sites is permissible with prior permission, and must be done in accordance with all applicable policies, regulations and school rules.

Users are prohibited from engaging in personal social networking during school hours. When using personal social networking sites outside of school, users should use media responsibly, ethically and legally and in a manner that maintains professional boundaries with students and their parents, and does not disparage the school District or fellow colleagues. Use shall be in accordance with Board

Policy 4118.51/4118.51 Social Networking.

Users assume all risks associated with the use of personal technology and social media and the Board expressly disclaims any liability for such use.

Violations of Acceptable Use

Staff who violate the Acceptable Use Policy, regulations, or related school or District rules, or applicable state and federal laws are subject to loss of technology privileges, and/or disciplinary action including termination of employment consistent with appropriate collective bargaining, District policy, and state and federal law.

Windsor Locks Public Schools, Windsor Locks, Connecticut

Acceptable Use Agreement

By signing below, I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Windsor Locks Public Schools Summary Statement, Expectations for Computer, Network/Internet and Technology Use and Access, as well as Policy 4118.5, Acceptable Computer Network Use and 6141.321, Student Use of the Internet Policy and agree to comply with them.

 Further, I agree to use technology including the Internet in a responsible fashion honoring all relevant policies, regulations, laws, guidelines and restrictions governing technology use in the Windsor Locks Public Schools, keeping in mind my unique position as an employee of the District and my ability to influence students and to set a positive example for the responsible, ethical, legal and safe use of technology.

Staff Signature  ______________________________________________________   Date __________________

School _______________________________________________________________   School Yr._____________