5131.21 - Intimidating - Threats Acts


5131.21 Intimidating Threats/Acts

The Board of Education (Board) recognizes that threats or acts of violence have become a major problem in schools throughout the country among young people and, consequently, is a concern to this school system and the community it serves. The Board recognizes that threats or acts of violence are complex and that, while the school may recognize potentially at risk youth, it cannot make clinical assessment of risk and provide in-depth counseling, but must refer the youth to an appropriate place for such assessment and counseling.

Any student who threatens in any manner, including orally, in writing, online or on social media, harm to the person or damage to the property of a member of the school community, including, but not limited to students, teachers, administrators, any other employee or Windsor Locks Board of Education members, may be subject to disciplinary action which may include expulsion. In addition, the Superintendent or his/her designee may refer the matter to law enforcement officials for possible criminal prosecution, and shall take all available measures to ensure the safety of those in the school community in the event of the student’s return to school.

Students, parents or others having knowledge of or witnessing an incident involving threats, threatening acts or violence against the school, students or school community members are encouraged to promptly report such information to the principal of the school or his/her designee.

School personnel who may have knowledge of or have witnessed or received a report of threats or violence shall promptly report this information to the principal. Upon receipt of such information from school personnel, a student, parent or others, a school investigation shall be promptly commenced and appropriate referrals and notifications shall be made.

Legal Reference:

Connecticut General Statutes

4-176e through 4-180a. Contested Cases. Notice. Record.

10-233a through 10-233f. Suspension, removal and expulsion of students, as amended by PA 95-304 and PA 96-244.

53a-3 Definitions.

53a-217b Possession of Firearms and Deadly Weapons on School Grounds.

PA 94-221 An Act Concerning School Discipline and Safety GOALS 2000: Educate America Act, Pub. L. 103-227

PA 88-328, S.15

Federal law

18 U.S.C. 921 Definitions

Title III - Amendments to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Sec. 314 (Local Control Over Violence).

Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965 as amended by the Gun Free Schools Act of 1994

P.L. 105-17 The Individuals with Disabilities Act, Amendment of 1997.

Policy Adopted: March 28, 2013

Policy Revised: August 10, 2023

R 5131.21 Intimidating Threats/Acts - Regulation

When an administrator has evidence that a student has made an intimidating threat or committed a threatening act, the following guidelines shall be applied:

1. The building principal may suspend the student.

2. The building principal shall promptly report the incident to the Superintendent, and upon discussion with the Superintendent or Superintendent’s designee, may refer the matter to the police.

3. The Superintendent, or designee, based upon further investigation, shall recommend expulsion, if appropriate. In an emergency, an immediate expulsion may be issued with a formal expulsion hearing to be held as soon after the expulsion as possible. Such a hearing shall be noticed and conducted in accordance with applicable state law.

If the student is expelled for engaging in threats or committing threatening acts, or violence, the Board may require, prior to readmission, that the student provide competent and credible evidence that the student does not pose a risk of harm to others. The Board may require a psychological evaluation of the student immediately prior to or at the time of readmission to school.

In the case of special education students, the District will take all steps necessary to comply with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

The building Principal shall ensure notification is provided to:

1. The parent/guardian of any student in violation of this policy and of the disciplinary action imposed;

2. The parent/guardian of a student when the student’s name appears on a targeted list that threatens violence or harm to the students on the list or when threats of violence or harm to the student are made by another student;

3. Any school employee or volunteer whose name appears on a list, which targets him/her for violence or harm.

Notification to the above shall be attempted by telephone or in person as quickly as possible under all attending circumstances. A written follow-up notification shall also be sent.

As part of the District’s proactive safety efforts, the Superintendent, or designee will plan staff development activities designed to help prevent, threatening and intimidation of students and to alert staff to early warning signs of a student at potential risk for violent behavior. Appropriate referrals shall be made for a student so identified.

Legal Reference:

Connecticut General Statutes

4-176e through 4-180a. Contested Cases. Notice. Record.

10-233a through 10-233f. Suspension, removal and expulsion of students, as amended by PA 95-304 and PA 96-244.

53a-3 Definitions.

53a-217b Possession of Firearms and Deadly Weapons on School Grounds.

Legal Reference (continued):

Connecticut General Statutes (continued)

PA 94-221 An Act Concerning School Discipline and Safety GOALS 2000: Educate America Act, Pub. L. 103-227

Federal law

18 U.S.C. 921 Definitions

Title III - Amendments to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Sec. 314 (Local Control Over Violence).

Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965 as amended by the Gun Free Schools Act of 1994

P.L. 105-17 The Individuals with Disabilities Act, Amendment of 1997.

PA 88-328, S.15

Regulation Adopted: March 28, 2013

Regulation Revised: August 10, 2023