6415 - Homebound Instruction

Windsor Locks Board of Education

Manual of Policies, Regulations, and Bylaws

Section: INSTRUCTION Definition: POLICY

Title: Homebound Instruction Number: 6415

  Page: 1 of 1

Adopted: October 1975

Revised: March 1997


The Windsor Locks Board of Education provides homebound and hospitalized instruction when recommended by the Planning and Placement Team. In cases where home instruction is necessary for purely medical reasons (e.g., mononucleosis or a broken leg), a PPT meeting need not be held and an IEP need not be written. Homebound instruction is a temporary measure and is for the purpose of maintaining the continuity of the child’s regular program.

Homebound and hospitalized instruction shall be provided only when the planning and placement team finds that one or more of the following conditions applies:

Homebound or hospitalized instruction shall be provided when a child’s condition will cause an absence of at least three weeks’ duration. Provided nothing in the child’s condition precludes it, such instruction shall begin no later than two weeks from the first day of absence.

Homebound and hospitalized instruction shall be provided for at least one hour per day or five hours per week for children in grades kindergarten through six and at least two hours per day or ten hours per week for children in grades seven through twelve. Where evaluative data indicates that these time requirements are too great for the child, the instructional time may be decreased accordingly. Instruction shall be provided in the setting of the child’s home or the hospital to which the child is confined.

Homebound instruction may be provided only if the child is enrolled in public school and the program provided has been designed by the public school. Children who were attending private, non-public schools prior to their need for homebound instruction are entitled to homebound instruction upon re-enrollment in the public school. The curriculum to be provided this child is that offered by the public school. The public school is not obligated to maintain the continuity of the child’s private school curriculum.

References: Connecticut General Statutes 10-76d-15; 10-76b-15(a)(1)

 S.D.E. Special Education Administrative Manual, 1986; pages 61-64