2400 - Evaluation of Superintendent


2400 Evaluation of Superintendent 

The Board of Education and the Superintendent of Schools understand that an effective working relationship is essential to the successful operation of our school district. This relationship is greatly enhanced by an annual review of the Superintendent’s diverse responsibilities and performance. 

The Superintendent shall be evaluated annually using the CABE form that outlines the following areas: 

● Overview 

● Curriculum Development 

● Professional Development 

● Supervision 

● Budget/Business and Finance 

● Infrastructure 

● Staff and Personnel 

● Policy 

The Board and the Superintendent will meet on or before September 30 of each year to discuss goals for the coming year, based on feedback from the previous year’s evaluation. The discussion will be held in executive session. 

In January, the Superintendent will provide to the Board of Education a written report and presentation on the goals determined in September. This information will provide an opportunity to identify and strategize for new and/or unexpected changes and/or challenges not previously identified. The discussion will be held in executive session. 

In May, the Superintendent will provide the Board of Education a written report and presentation, “Year in Review” self-assessment using the CABE format as well as information pertaining to the goals set in September. This will provide the documents to be used by the Board of Education in completing a comprehensive and fair evaluation of the Superintendent. With input from all Board of Education members, the evaluation will be conducted in executive session prior to meeting with the Superintendent. 

A formal evaluation is completed consisting of a cover letter and the CABE form and presented and discussed with the Superintendent no later than June 30 of each year by the Board of Education Chair and Vice-Chair. A copy of the Superintendent’s performance evaluation must be placed in the Superintendent's official personnel file. 

Policy Adopted: September 13, 2023 

Windsor Locks Public Schools 

Windsor Locks, Connecticut