2460 - Class Funds High School


2460 – Class funds – High School 

Each entering high school class is authorized to have a class activity fund for the duration of the class at the Windsor Locks High School, freshman through senior years. 

A separate class fund account will be maintained for each high school class in the name of the class. The class funds will be held in a separate bank account holding all student activity funds. These funds are overseen and reconciled by the Business Office.

Revenue shall be gained through two sources, by class dues and by fund raising activities approved in advance by the high school administration. 

Faculty advisors may make expenditures on behalf of their respective class with principal approval. Class funds are subject to audit and accounting in accordance with state law and Board policies and regulations governing school activity funds. 

Funds collected and expended help to offset student expenses, such as yearbook, graduation robes, and the traditional senior class outing. Expenses entailed following graduation include the annual yearbook supplement, receipt of late invoices, etc. 

A class in its senior year shall determine at a regularly called meeting, its preference for the disposition of any funds remaining after all financial obligations have been discharged. Such disposition shall be subject to the review and approval of the school principal. Any sums of money not expended within one year following the end of the senior school year and for which no disposition has been made shall be transferred to the high school principal’s student activity account. 

Legal References: 

Connecticut General Statutes 10-237 

School Activity Funds 

Policy Adopted: October 1976 

Revised: October 2019