5118 - Resident and Non Resident Attendance



Resident and Non-Resident Attendance

Residency Requirements

Only those students who reside within the Town of Windsor Locks shall be entitled to enroll in the Windsor Locks Public Schools. However, students who move out-of-district after having completed Grades 9-11, inclusive, at Windsor Locks High School, may be permitted to complete Grade 12 at Windsor Locks High School, tuition-free. Parents must report promptly to the school administration any change in home address and/or emergency information. Failure to do so may result in denial of attendance privileges, and an assessment of a tuition charge if a student is subsequently found to be a non-resident of Windsor Locks.

Non-Resident Attendance

1. Non-resident students may be accepted as tuition students in the schools under all the following conditions:

a. Space is available and an appropriate program can be provided.

b. Admission is subject to administrative review of the educational records, including available appropriate educational, physical, psychological, and psychiatric examinations.

c. Transportation will not be provided if the student lives outside the district.

d. Admission is probationary, subject to periodic review. Admission of non-resident students must be re-approved annually.

2. When a student becomes a non-resident of the district after April 1 of a school year, the student may be permitted to continue in attendance without charge for the remainder of that school year under all the following conditions:

a. A written request for such accommodation is made to the Superintendent by the parent/ guardian of the student.

b. Space is available and an appropriate education program can be provided.

c. The parent/guardian assumes all responsibility for transporting the student to and from school.

d. The student has a record of good citizenship at the school and continues to abide by the rules and regulations of the school and the district.



Resident and Non-Resident Attendance

Residency Requirements (continued)

3. When a student becomes a non-resident of the district before April 1 of a school year, the parent/guardian may request a tuition waiver for the balance of said school year from the Board of Education. In determining whether to grant such a waiver, the Board of Education may consider the following factors:

a. The recommendation of the Superintendent;

b. financial hardship;

c. the timing of the request;

d. space availability;

e. programmatic needs of the student; and

f. transportation.

If granted, the non-resident admission status with tuition waiver could be subject to review at any time.

4. A student in the senior year who moves out of the district after the school year has begun shall be allowed to complete the program of studies for graduation at Windsor Locks High School without payment of tuition under all the following conditions:

a. A written request for such accommodation is made to the Superintendent by the parent/guardian of the student.

b. Space is available and an appropriate education program can be provided.

c. The parent/guardian assumes all responsibility for transporting the student to or from school.

d. The student has a record of good citizenship at the school and continues to abide by the rules and regulations of the school and the district.

e. Such accommodation shall be for no more than one school year.

5. School Admissions of Non-Resident Students

I. Application and Admission

1. Application for admission for non-resident students will be made on a standard form provided by the school district.

2. Applications must be submitted to the Office of the Superintendent of Schools.



Resident and Non-Resident Attendance

Residency Requirements (continued)

3. The Superintendent of Schools will approve non-resident students for admission based on the recommendation of the Principal or Director of Pupil Services.

4. Non-resident students will be provided all of the typical services and programs provided to resident students, as well as being subject to all administrative rules and regulations.

II. Tuition

1. The annual tuition rate will be determined by the Business Manager for Business, based on the composite per pupil cost reflected in the ED 001 report on file for the preceding fiscal year.

2. All other costs normally required of resident students will be over and above tuition charges (i.e., field trips, lunch, etc.)

3. Any and all special assistance including services outlined in the child’s Individualized Education Plan required for a non-resident student will result in an adjusted rate or special charge to the parents (or sending school district) to be determined in accordance with the type of special assistance required.

4. Students who live elsewhere and whose parents own property in the Town of Windsor Locks may attend the Windsor Locks Public Schools if they pay as tuition the difference between the amount of taxes paid in the district the previous year and the established tuition rate. At the time of application, the parent shall show his/her deed confirming his/her ownership of the local property and his/her last year’s tax receipt.

5. Tuition will be waived for any student brought to Windsor Locks Public Schools by a Foreign Exchange Program approved by the Windsor Locks Board of Education. The tuition rate will be 30% (thirty percent) of the annual rate computed in A. above for any student whose parent is a regular employee of the Windsor Locks Public Schools. Acceptable is based on a space available basis upon recommendation of the Principal to the Superintendent of Schools for students (K-Grade 12). Should a student be referred for a Special Education referral, the Town in which the staff member resides will be responsible for the evaluation of the student. If the student requires a Special Education services the child will be referred back to the parent’s town of residence.



Resident and Non-Resident Attendance

Residency Requirements (continued)

6. Students whose parents have signed a rental lease or contract to purchase or build a residence in Windsor Locks, with the intent of dwelling in said residence within 90 calendar days, shall have the tuition fee waived. Copies of the above legal documents will be forwarded to the Superintendent of Schools. In the event that a certificate of occupancy is not issued and/or the family is not able to take possession or occupy the residence within the above prescribed time, a per diem tuition charge shall be levied beginning on the 91st calendar day until possession or occupancy occurs. There shall be no diminution of this charge due to a student’s excused or unexcused absence from school. In the event of circumstances beyond the control of parents to take occupancy, a request for extension (for the tuition charge) can be made to the Superintendent.


The Windsor Locks Board of Education shall assume no responsibility for the transportation costs of any non-resident student who attends the Windsor Locks Public Schools.

Children Residing in Windsor Locks with Someone Other Than Parent or Legal Guardian

These procedures apply when the permanent residence of a student is in the Town of Windsor Locks and his or her parent/guardian resides elsewhere.

Connecticut General Statute l0-253 provides as follows:

“Children residing with relatives or non-relatives when it is the intention of such relatives or non-relatives and of the children or their parents or guardians that such residence is to be permanent, provided without pay, and not for the sole purpose of obtaining school accommodation, shall be entitled to all free school privileges accorded to resident children of the school district in which they then reside.”

It is not necessary that the child reside with parent/guardian. The test for determining whether or not a child is eligible for school privileges in Windsor Locks is:

1. The child must reside within the Town of Windsor Locks.

2. It must be the intention of the Windsor Locks host and of the student or his/her parent/guardian that the residence be permanent.

3. The residence must be provided without charge.

4. The residence must not be provided for the sole purpose of obtaining school accommodations.



Resident and Non-Resident Attendance

Residency Requirements (continued)

In order to determine whether or not the conditions noted above are being met with respect to a particular child, the school administration shall require two separately signed affidavits (copies attached to this policy). The affidavits must be signed by the Windsor Locks host and by the student (if age eighteen or over) or the child’s parent/guardian attesting to the truth of the four conditions as noted above.

Emancipated Students

In instances where a student has legally declared his/her emancipation, the following requirements must be met:

1. A written statement from the parent stating the child has left the home and is no longer under the control of the parent.

2. A written statement from the student indicating the student’s ability to provide his/her own support.

3. A written statement from an employer verifying the student’s employment and salary.

4. A written statement from the owner of the apartment house, rooming house, etc. indicating a rent or lease arrangement, in the student’s name.

If there is any question concerning a child’s bona fide residence or of the written statements at any time, verification by personal visitations by school staff, school social worker or investigator may be in order.


The parent guardian of any child who is denied school accommodations may request a hearing before the Board of Education in accordance with C.G.S. l0-l86.

Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes

4-176e through 4-185 Uniform Administrative Procedure Act

10-l86 Duties of local and regional Boards of Education re school attendance.

10-253 School privileges for children in certain placements, nonresident children and children in temporary shelters.

Policy adopted: March 28, 2013 WINDSOR LOCKS PUBLIC SCHOOLS

 Windsor Locks, Connecticut


Form #1

Windsor Locks Public Schools

Office of the Superintendent of Schools

58 South Elm Street

Windsor Locks, CT 06096

Superintendent of Schools

Telephone (860) 292-5000


Non-Resident Student Application and Agreement

___________________ School Year

Parent or Guardian’s Name(s) _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Telephone No. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please be advised that I, the undersigned, will be financially responsible for tuition charges and all special charges for:

_______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Full Name of Child Date of Birth

while in attendance in the Windsor Locks Public Schools.

I (we) have read the Board of Education Admissions Policy for Non-Resident Students and hereby agree that I (we) shall abide by all such rules and regulations, and shall pay the annual tuition rate of $____________, pro-rated in two (2) semester payments. All tuition must be paid prior to the first day of attendance each semester.

Refunds for withdrawal will be made on a per diem rate, based on 1/90 of the total tuition charge for each remaining day of the prepaid semester. No refunds will be made after 60 days of enrollment each semester.

This agreement will be in effect only for the school year stated above, subject to the conditions stated in the Board of Education Policy for Non-Resident Students.

Signature of Parent(s)/Guardian(s)__________________________________________________________________________________________________

Approved:____________________________________________________________________________________________ Date__________________________

Superintendent of Schools

5118 Resident and Non-Resident Attendance Affidavit

Windsor Locks Board of Education Affidavit for Purposes of Residency


State of Connecticut


County of Hartford

Personally appeared, _____________________________________________________________________________who made oath to the following:

(name of relative/guardian)

1. I am the ___________________ (fill in applicable response) of ______________________________________________________(name of child) and am acting as the child's authorized caregiver.

2. I reside at ______________________________________ (street address) in the Town of ____________________________, State of Connecticut.

3. _________________________________________________________________________________________ (name of child) currently resides with me.

4. It is my intention that ______________________________ (name of child) is to reside with __________________________ at ______________________ (name of resident host) (address of resident host) in the Town of Windsor Locks, CT, and that such residence is to be permanent.

5. I do not receive, nor will I receive pay for providing such residence.

6. Such residence is not for the sole purpose of obtaining school accommodations.

7. I shall report to the Windsor Locks Board of Education any change in the foregoing circumstances within 30 days from the date on which such change occurs.

8. I am authorized to release and obtain information regarding the student, including student records, and to make educational and medical decisions regarding _______________________ in place of the student's biological parent.

9. I understand that in addition to possible prosecution, if I provide false information the child may be denied school accommodation privileges in accordance with Windsor Locks Board Policy 5118, and that I may be assessed tuition.

I hereby swear to the truth of the foregoing statements, under penalty of perjury, recognizing that the Windsor Locks School District has released me from the obligation to pay tuition costs in reliance on this affidavit.


Signature of Parent/Guardian

Subscribed and sworn to before me this ___________ day of __________________, 20____.


Notary Public

Form Revised 1/14/2021