5118.1 - Homeless Students


5118.1 - Homeless Students

Children and unaccompanied youth (youth) who meet the federal definition of “homeless” and are living in Windsor Locks or otherwise entitled to school accommodations under McKinney Vento or state law will be provided a free public education in the same manner as all other students enrolled in the Windsor Locks Public Schools and will not be discriminated against, stigmatized or segregated on the basis of their status as homeless.

The Board shall make reasonable efforts to identify homeless children and youth within the district, encourage their enrollment and eliminate existing barriers to their education, which may exist in district policies or practices, in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws.

Homeless students or youth, as defined by federal and state statutes, residing within the district are entitled to free school privileges.

Homeless students and youth residing within the district shall be provided continued educational services. Such services for the child may be:

1. Continued in the school of origin” which is the school the student attended when permanently housed or the school of last enrollment; or

2. Provided in the school that is attended by other students living in the same attendance area where the homeless child lives.

Students and youth residing in a temporary shelter are entitled to free school privileges from the district in which the shelter is located or from the school district where they would otherwise reside if not for the placement in the temporary shelter. The district in which the temporary shelter is located shall notify the district where the student would otherwise be attending. The district so notified may choose to either:

1. Continue to provide educational services, including transportation between the temporary shelter and the school in the home district; or

2. Pay tuition to the district in which the temporary shelter is located.

For students and youth living in a temporary shelter located outside of Windsor Locks and who otherwise would reside in Windsor Locks, the Board will continue to be provide education services in District or will pay tuition to the district in which the temporary shelter is located. Transportation shall be provided or arranged to and from temporary shelters outside of the District in accordance with state law.

To the extent feasible, a homeless child or youth will be kept in the school of origin, unless it is against the wishes of the parent/guardian or youth. The District may apply the best interest of

the child/youth analysis to determine where the child/youth will attend the school of origin or other school giving while considering the preference of the parent/guardian or youth.

Homeless children and youth shall be provided educational services that are comparable to those provided to other students enrolled in the district, including but not limited to, Title I, transportation services, compensatory educational programs, gifted and talented, special education, ESL, health services and food and nutrition programs.

The Superintendent of Schools shall refer identified homeless children under the age of eighteen, who may reside within the school district, on a case by case basis, when there is reasonable suspicion of neglect or abuse, to the Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF). Homelessness by itself does not automatically mean that abuse or neglect exists.

The district administration shall attempt to remove existing barriers to school attendance by homeless emancipated minors and youth eighteen years of age:

1. The selected school for the homeless child shall enroll the child, even in the absence of records normally required for enrollment. The last school enrolled shall be contacted to obtain records.

2. Other enrollment requirements that may constitute a barrier to the education of the homeless child or youth may be waived at the discretion of the Superintendent. If the district is unable to determine the student’s grade level due to missing or incomplete records, the district shall administer tests or utilize other reasonable means to determine the appropriate grade level for the child.

3. Fees and charges, which may present a barrier to the enrollment or transfer of a homeless child or youth, may be waived at the discretion of the Superintendent.

4. Transportation services must be comparable to those provided other students in the selected school. Transportation shall be provided to the student’s school of origin in compliance with federal and state regulations.

5. Official school records policies and regulations shall be waived at the discretion of the Superintendent, in compliance with federal statutes.

6. The District shall make a reasonable effort to locate immunization records from information available. The District’s liaison shall assist the parent/guardian in obtaining the necessary immunizations and records. The District shall arrange for students to receive immunizations through health agencies and at District expense if no other recourse is available. Immunizations may, however, be waived for homeless youth only in accordance with provisions of Board of Education policy on immunizations.

7. Other barriers to school attendance by homeless children or youth may be waived at the discretion of the Superintendent of Schools.

The District’s educational liaison for homeless children is Director of Special Services.

The District’s Liaison for Homeless Children (Liaison) duties include, but are not limited to:

1. Assisting homeless children and youth in placement/enrollment decisions, and considering the youth’s wishes;

2. Providing notice of appeal in accordance with federal law regarding enrollment disputes,

3. Coordinating and collaborating with the State Coordinator for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth as well as with the community and school personnel responsible for the provision of education and related services to homeless children and youth.

4. The Liaison shall participate in State provided professional development opportunities for local liaisons as directed by the Superintendent of Schools.

In accordance with state law and the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, (PL 107-110-Sec 1032), 42 U.S.C. 1 1431- 11435, unaccompanied youth and those students asserting homelessness will be afforded appropriate due process, including notifications regarding District decisions related to enrollment, school assignment, and transportation services.

(cf. 5141.3 Student Health Assessments and Immunizations) (cf. 5141.4 Child Abuse and Neglect)

Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes

l0-253(e) School privileges for children in certain placements, nonresident children and children in temporary shelters.

17a-101 Protection of children from abuse. Reports required of certain professional persons. When child may be removed from surrounding without court order.

17a-102 Report of danger of abuse.

17a-103 Reports of others.

17a-106 Cooperation in relation to prevention, identification and treatment of child abuse and neglect.

46b-120 Definitions.

McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, (PL 107-110-Sec 1032) 42 U.S.C. 1 1431- 11435

Policy Adopted: March 28, 2013

Policy Revised April 8, 2021

III. Attestation Regarding Residency (to be signed by the Parent/Guardian completing this form)

In signing this document, I understand and acknowledge that I am representing that my

child is entitled to free school accommodations from the Town/City of Windsor

Locks by virtue of their having a legal residence at the above-named address. I

understand that if the information provided in connection with this questionnaire is

determined to be false or misleading, resulting in the child/children named above to not be

legally entitled to attendance in Windsor Locks Public Schools, the school district may

take legal action to recoup valid tuition charges and legal fees. I understand that if it is

determined that I have defrauded the Windsor Locks Public Schools, I may also be subjected to the pains and penalties of perjury and false statement and such other remedies as may be available under law.

______________________________________________________________________________________________    ______________________________________

Signature of Parent/Guardian Date

Signature of Witness _______________________________________________________________________