6408 - Special Education Placement in Private Facilities

Windsor Locks Board of Education

Manual of Policies, Regulations, and Bylaws

Section: INSTRUCTION Definition: POLICY

Title: Special Education - Placement in Private Facilities Number: 6408

  Page: 1 of 1

Adopted: July 1988



The Board of Education shall make educational placements in accordance with the requirements set forth in the individualized education program of each child requiring special education and related services.

Each child requiring special education and related services shall be educated in the school which he or she would attend if he or she did not require special education and related services, unless the individualized education program requires another placement. Priority shall be given to public placement near the child’s home.

(1) Priority shall be given to placement in the school district in which the child resides.

(2) Priority shall be given to placement in another school district, or in a regional school district that is near the child’s home. Cooperative efforts between or among school districts shall be considered as taking priority over placement in a private or state operated facility.

(3) Placement in a private facility shall be made only when the administration has fully explored all possible public placements. The child’s individualized education program shall be maintained in the private facility. All state regulations regarding placements in a private facility shall be implemented as outlined by statute.

References: Connecticut General Statutes, Sections 10-76d-16-17

 S.D.E. Sp ecial Education Administrative Manual, 1986, pg. 64-67