4115.3 - Evaluation of Coaches

Personnel – Certified

4115.3 –Evaluation of Athletic Coaches

The Board of Education (Board) complies with state law concerning the evaluation and termination of its athletic coaches and this policy should be construed consistent with that law.

For purposes of this policy, the term “athletic coach” means any person holding a coaching permit issued by the State Board of Education who is hired by the Board to coach a sport or sport season as part of intramural or interscholastic athletics for a school or for the school District.

An athletic coach employed by the Board shall have a valid coaching permit issued by the Connecticut State Board of Education. Any athletic coach employed by the Board shall comply with all state legal requirements for obtaining and maintaining a valid coaching permit including compliance with any periodic training requirements on topics that may include, but are not limited to, student concussions, and sudden cardiac arrest.

Additionally, an athletic coach employed by the Board shall be responsible for compliance with all applicable state law and federal law as well as Board of Education policies.

An athletic coach shall maintain professionalism at all times when interacting or communicating with players, other coaches, officials, referees, parents, faculty, administration, and the community and shall serve as a role model for student athletes.


There shall be an annual evaluation of all coaches to be conducted by the athletic director or the coach’s immediate supervisor. Each coach shall receive a written copy of the evaluation.


The employment of an athletic coach may be terminated at any time unless he or she has served in the same coaching position for three or more consecutive school years. In such case, the Superintendent may decline to renew or terminate the contract of the coach by providing written notification of that action within ninety (90) calendar days of the end of the sport season covered by the contract. This does not prohibit the Superintendent from terminating the employment of any athletic coach (including one that has served in the same coaching position for three or more consecutive years) at any time for reasons of moral misconduct, insubordination or violation of the rules of the Board, or because the sport has been cancelled by the Board.

Appeal of Decision to Terminate or Decline to Renew

An athletic coach who has served in the same coaching position for three or more consecutive years may appeal the decision for his/her non-renewal or termination to the Board in accordance with regulations accompanying this policy. Such regulations shall include the right for such coach to

request from and be provided by the Board with a written statement specifying the reason(s) for the coach’s non-renewal or termination. Regulations shall set forth procedures that provide for an opportunity for fair notice, hearing, review and a final decision of the appeal in a timely manner.

Legal Reference:

Connecticut General Statutes

10-222e Policy on evaluation and termination of athletic coaches

10-220a In-Service training

10-149b Training courses for coaches re concussions (as modified by PA-14-66)

10-151b Evaluation by superintendent of certain educational personnel

Policy approved: June 2007

Revised: October 2018


R4115.3 –Evaluation of Athletic Coaches

Procedure for Appeal of Termination or Non-renewal

An athletic coach who has served in the same coaching position for three or more consecutive years may appeal a non-renewal or termination decision to the Board in accordance with the following procedures:

A. The athletic coach much file a written appeal with the Board within ten (10) calendar days of the Superintendent’s written notification of non-renewal or termination. Such appeal shall set forth the basis on which the athletic coach seeks review of that decision, and a copy of said appeal shall be sent to the Superintendent. Failure to submit a timely written appeal shall constitute a waiver of any appeal opportunity.

B. Within a reasonable period of time of its receipt of a written appeal of the Superintendent’s decision, the Board or a subcommittee of three or more of the Board members shall conduct a hearing to consider such appeal. Reasonable written notice of the time and place for such hearing shall be issued to the athletic coach. Public notice of the hearing will be posted in the same manner as any other meeting of the Board.

C. Prior to the hearing and within a reasonable period of time after receiving an athletic coach’s written request, the Superintendent shall provide a statement of the reasons for which he or she terminated or declined to renew the athletic coach’s contract.

D. The appeal hearing will be held in executive session unless the coach requests that it be in public session.

E. At the hearing, the athletic coach shall have an opportunity to present facts and evidence in support of renewal and/or reinstatement, and the Superintendent shall have the opportunity (but shall not be obligated) to present facts and evidence in support of the decision of non-renewal and/or termination. With cause shown, the athletic coach may call a limited number of witnesses to testify only if there is a clear need for the presentation of relevant factual information from such witnesses (as opposed to simple expressions of an opinion on the skill or competence of the athletic coach). Cumulative or redundant testimony shall not be allowed.

F. The Superintendent’s decision to terminate or decline to renew the coaching contract shall be affirmed unless the Board determines that the decision was arbitrary and capricious. The coach shall have the burden to prove that the decision was arbitrary and capricious.

G. Within a reasonable period of time following the hearing, the Board shall make its determination and provide a written decision to the coach. The decision of the Board shall be final.

Regulation approved: October 2018