6172.6 - Distance Education



Distance Education

Distance Learning Plan Due to Health-Based School Closure

This policy outlines Windsor Locks Public School’s District plan to provide distance learning options in the event that the school District must be closed partially, fully or as an option for families, due to an emergency health situation. This action plan allows District Schools to operate remotely while continuing to provide meaningful instruction to students through the use of a variety of instructional resources.

The Board of Education (Board) seeks to ensure fluid operation as well as provide equitable access for all students. A distance learning day is a remote school day where students and staff have an opportunity to explore and engage in meaningful learning experiences that are: (a) aligned to the curriculum, (b) connected to standards, and (c) relevant to the current instructional sequence and (d) mirrors and follows the school schedule (daily) and district calendar. While nothing replaces the genuine human interactions that happen authentically in the classroom between students and teachers, distance learning will support continuity of instruction in the event of a health-related closure.

Distance learning school days will run as detailed in the section below entitled “Scheduling.” The schedule will allow teaching staff adequate time to present the learning experience to support students as they (a) access information, (b) prioritize their day, and (c) communicate with their teacher(s). Teachers will be available during their contracted hours as outlined in the respective bargaining units and in accordance with the district calendar.

Goals of the Distance Learning Program

The Board, by its adoption of this policy, establishes the following goals for the distance learning program:

Key Components of the Distance Learning Program



The Board directs the Superintendent or his/her designee to develop a plan to verify and track student attendance as related to the provided distance learning activities. Parents/guardians must report the days their child(ren) are unable to participate in the provided distance learning activities due to illness or other specified reason. A means of reporting absences must be made available to parents/guardians.

Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying

During distance learning days, the District will adhere to all aspects of our Harassment Intimidation and Bullying policies and procedures.

Time Schedules

Teachers/staff will be available during their contracted hours in accordance with school schedules and the district calendar. Any variation to this schedule is at the discretion of the Superintendent or his/her designee.

School Nutrition Benefits

Any student who receives free and reduced school breakfast/lunch shall be afforded the opportunity to pick up a nutritional school lunch prepared by the food service provider/department. The schedule for availability and locations of pickup shall be posted on the District and school websites and through the District’s emergency notification system.

Resources to Support Instruction

The District shall utilize varied resources to support student learning. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

Instruction: Student Responsibilities

In order to monitor student engagement in continued learning, the Board expects the following actions to take place:

Grading & Feedback

The Board of Education shall approve any changes in grading and reporting systems as developed by the administration and faculty and upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools.

(cf. 0523 – Equity and Diversity)

(cf. 3520.13 – Student Data Protection & Privacy/Cloud-Based Issues)

(cf. 5131.81 – Use of Electronic Devices)

(cf. 5131.911 – Bullying)

(cf. 5131.913 – Cyberbullying)

(cf. 5141.4 – Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect)

(cf. 6114.8 – Pandemic/Epidemic Emergencies)

(cf. 6114.81 – Emergency Suspension of Policy During Pandemic)

(cf. 6141.321 – Acceptable Computer Use)

(cf. 6141.323 – Filtering Access to Electronic Networks)

(cf. 6141.324 – Posting of Student Work/Photographs)

(cf. 6141.327 –Electronic Resources)

(cf. 6141.3291 – One-to-One Tablet Program)

(cf. 6141.326 – Online Social Networking)

(cf. 6141.328 – Bring Your Own Device)

(cf. 6141.329 – Electronic Reading (e-reader) Devices)

(cf. 6146.1 – Assessment Systems)

(cf. 6156.2 – Off-Site Computer Use)

(cf. 6172.6 – Virtual/Online Course; Distance Education)

Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes

10-221 Boards of education to prescribe rules.

18 U.S.C. §§2510-2522, Electronic Communication Privacy Act

Policy Adopted: August 13, 2020 Windsor Locks Public Schools

Windsor Locks, Connecticut