5134 - Students Marital or Parental Status - Affirmative Action



Students Marital or Parental Status - Affirmative Action

The Board of Education shall not discriminate against any married, parenting, or pregnant student or exclude such students from its education programs or activities based upon their status as a married, parenting, or pregnant student. The Board shall not apply any rule concerning a student’s actual or potential parental, family, or married status, which treats students differently based on sex.

The Board will provide all pregnant and parenting students with the same educational instruction or its equivalent as other students. School administrators shall provide assistance and support to encourage pregnant and parenting students to remain enrolled in school and to graduate.

Pregnant students shall be permitted to remain in their regular school program and supportive services will be made part of the school program. Pregnant students may remain in their regular school program as long as their physical and emotional condition permits. Any variation from continuance it the regular school program shall be based upon a pregnant student’s assessed needs. Pregnant students may request to voluntarily participate in a separate portion of the district’s educational program or activity. A student who is both under the age of 17 and a mother may request permission from the Board to attend adult education classes. The Board may, by a majority vote of the members of the Board present and voting at a regular or special meeting of the Board called for such a purpose, assign such a student to adult education classes.

A student who is pregnant or has given birth and cannot attend school shall be provided with homebound instruction and other instruction as will enable the student to remain in school or otherwise have access to instruction and support services. The district shall consider the student’s individualized needs and shall provide, as appropriate, services that may include, but need not be limited to, transportation, a shortened school day, counseling, modified assignments, or modified class schedule.

Homework and makeup work shall be made available to pregnant and parenting students to ensure that they have the opportunity to keep current with assignments and avoid losing course credit due to absences from school, and to the extend necessary, as described above, a homebound teacher will be assigned. Pregnant and parenting students shall be given excused absences from school for pregnancy and related conditions for the length of time the student’s physician finds medically necessary. This includes absences due to illness or medical appointments during school hours for a child for whom the student is the custodial parent.

Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes

10-184 Duties of parents

10-186 Duties of local and regional boards of education re school attendance

10-73d Request of certain students to attend adult education classes

State Board of Education Regulation

10-76d-15 Homebound and hospitalized instruction (subsection b4)

Policy Adopted: March 28, 2013 WINDSOR LOCKS PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Policy Revised: November 16, 2023 Windsor Locks, Connecticut