1110.1 - Communications with the Public


Community Relations

Communication with the Public

Parent Involvement

Considerable experience and related evidence indicates that meaningful involvement of parents, guardians, and other care-givers in the schooling of children improves the quality of education significantly. The Board of Education believes that closer connections of parents and others responsible for the home care of the children with our schools can result in enhanced academic performance, improved behavior, and reduced absenteeism.

Therefore, all parents, guardians, and care-givers of students enrolled in our school district are encouraged to take an active role in the education of their children.

Further, the Board of Education believes that the professional staff must take whatever steps are necessary to facilitate a broad variety of opportunities for parents to connect frequently with the schools in which their children are enrolled, and with the overall system. These steps should include the following:

The District will request from the parent/guardian of each student the name and contact information of an emergency contact person who may be contacted if the student's parent/guardian cannot be reached to schedule a parent-teacher conference required when the District is providing remote learning for a period of three consecutive weeks or more.

In situations in which the teacher is unable to contact a student's parent/guardian after three attempts to schedule the required parent-teacher conference during a period of remote learning provided by the District for three consecutive weeks or more, such teacher is directed to report such inability to the principal, school counselor, or other school administrator designated by the Board of Education. Such principal, counselor, or administrator is to contact the student's emergency contact to determine the student and family's health and safety.

The Board shall utilize the document developed by the State Department of Education (by 12/1/21) that provides information concerning educational, safety, mental health and food insecurity resources and programs available to students and their families.

The Superintendent will report annually to the Board of Education on parent involvement activities.



Legal Reference:     Connecticut General Statutes

10-221(f) Boards of Education to prescribe rule(s), policies, and procedures as amended by PA 97-290, P.A. 10-111, and P.A. 21-46, An Act Concerning Social Equity and the Health, Safety, and Education of Children.



Policy Adopted: November 18, 2021