1101 - School Community Relations

Community Relations

1101 – School Community Relations

In keeping with our belief that the educational programs of our schools are the proper concern of the community in the school district, it is the policy of the Board of Education (Board) to promote and encourage participation by the public in local school affairs. Through interest and participation in school affairs, our educational program will have the benefit of the ranges of ability, talent and experience of the community members of our district. 

Since parents and students are directly affected by the operation of each school and because parents and community members at the local school level are in the best position to participate in school matters, the Board supports and endorses the parent-teacher organizations and parent advisory groups at various school levels. The Board supports and encourages such activities of these organizations that: 

The cooperation of all school personnel with such groups is expected and supported. The school administration, in particular, building principals, have key leadership roles in developing and guiding these school groups in the enhancement of school programs. 

The deliberations and resulting recommendations of school-affiliated organizations can provide a sounding board which enables the school administration and in turn the school board to sense the pulse of the community with regard to educational aspirations, programs and procedures. 

Only one parent-teacher organization or parent school advisory committee should be recognized within a given elementary or secondary school attendance district. This does not preclude the rights of groups to work in combination on various school levels. 

School affiliated organizations should be non-commercial, non-sectarian and non-partisan and should not endorse either commercial enterprises or candidates. 

Policy adopted: March 1987 

Revised: June 2019