6115.2 - School Ceremonies and Observances (Pledge of Allegiance)

6115.2 - School Ceremonies and Observances (Pledge of Allegiance)


Ceremonies and Observances

The Board of Education supports the following activities as they adhere to relevant Court rulings and legislation.  The following types of school activities are permitted so long as they do not take on the character of religious devotions:

1. Writing or analyzing literature on religious subjects

2. Playing, singing and presentation of music which is religious in its inspiration or origin

3. Performance of drama which deals with religious history or which is religious in its content

4. Production or exhibition of art work dealing with religious themes

5. Recognition of significant religious holidays by declaring school vacations or by sponsoring activities which
acknowledge the importance of these holidays in our cultural life

6. Comparative studies of religion

7. Analyses of the Bible, and other religious books, as part of the study of religions

8. Studies of the contribution made by religion to civilization

9. Study of the Bible for its historic significance

10. Study of the Bible for its literary importance

11. Recitations or study of historical documents that contain references to God

12. Singing of official anthems which contain references to God

The Superintendent will ensure that the staff, parents/guardians and students are made aware of the parameters of acceptable religious speech and actions.  The Superintendent will also distribute guidelines to each school concerning religion in the schools, after such guidelines/regulations have been approved by the Board attorney and reviewed by the Board.

United States Flag

The Flag of the United States of America shall be raised above each schoolhouse and at other appropriate places during all school sessions, weather permitting, and on the inside of the schoolhouse on other school days. The Flag shall be raised before the opening of school and taken down at its close every day.

The United States Flag shall be displayed in each schoolroom each day school is in session.

Holidays and Special Events

Holidays and special events may be recognized in our schools so long as such recognition respects the rights and feelings of minorities and is consistent with law.

Songs and customs from the various ethnic and racial segments of our population may be used to broaden the awareness of our students to the contributions which each such segment has made to American culture.

No public funds may be used in any way to benefit sectarianism in our public schools.

Legal Reference:  Connecticut General Statutes

10-16a Silent meditation.

10-29a Certain days to be proclaimed by governor. Distribution and number of proclamations

10-230 Flags for schoolrooms and schools

PA 02-119, An Act Concerning Bullying Behavior in Schools and Concerning the Pledge of Allegiance


Policy Adopted: May 14, 2024