9327 - Electronic Communications Among Board Members

Bylaws of the Board


9327 - Electronic Communications Among Board Members

The Board of Education (Board) believes that electronic communication among its members and the administration is an efficient and convenient way to disseminate information, but must not be misused to deliberate issues that are appropriately discussed only in a public meeting. Therefore, Board members and administrators shall exercise caution when communicating between and among themselves via electronic messaging services including but not limited to email, internet web forums and internet chat rooms. Electronic messaging communication shall conform to the same standards of judgment, propriety and ethics as other forms of board-related communication (committee meetings, telephone calls, etc.). Board members shall adhere to the following guidelines when communicating electronically:

Board members shall not reveal their passwords to others in the network or to anyone outside of it, except to the system administrator. If any Board member has reason to believe a password has been lost or stolen, or that email is being accessed by someone without authorization, he/she shall notify the Superintendent of Schools immediately.

The following guidelines should be considered regarding the conducting of a survey on an issue among Board members using electronic means:

The Board shall annually review its electronic communication policy and practices with the Board attorney.

Legal References:

Connecticut General Statutes

The Freedom of Information Act

1-200 Definitions

1-210 Access to public records. Exempt records

1-211 Disclosure of computer-stored public records

Bylaw Adopted: June 14, 2012

Revised: November 2019