6010 - Promotion and Retention of Students

Windsor Locks Board of Education

Manual of Policies, Regulations, and Bylaws

Section: INSTRUCTION Definition: POLICY

Title: Promotion and Retention of Students Number: 6010

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Adopted: June 1985

Revised: November 1998; July 2000


In keeping with state statutes, the Board of Education wishes to foster student achievement and reduce social promotion. To this end, the administration is directed to require students who have substantial academic deficiencies to attend summer school or other programs designed to assist students in remedying the deficiencies. At the elementary and middle school levels, if a student fails any one subject for two consecutive years, the student must comply with administrative recommendations for remediation or be considered for retention.

If a decision to retain a student or withhold credit has been made, a student and or his/her parents may appeal according to the process set forth in Policy Regulation 5113 E, Attendance and Excuses.( Revised Policy contains no appeal).

Grades K-5

A student’s achievement of skills for his assigned grade and readiness for work at a higher grade level shall be required before his/her promotion to the next higher grade.

All available information should be considered regarding a student’s promotion or retention including the following: results of standardized and teacher-made tests including skill and content mastery; teacher observation of student potential and performance including work and study habits; social and emotional maturity; physical development, reading level, and attendance record (including number of tardy days). The effects of any identified handicapping conditions will be considered.

The principal shall use established procedures for the promotion-retention of students that include provisions for: written notification to the student and to parents by teachers of pupils being considered for retention; an examination of factors bearing upon a possible retention; recommendations of teachers involved in the pupil’s instructional program; conferences between teachers, parents and the principal. If a student has ten (10) or more unexcused absences, the student will be required to attend summer school or be retained in current grade.

No later than March 31st, the principal shall conduct a meeting with the parents and teacher(s) to review the student’s progress. At this time, a tentative decision should be made. A final decision regarding retention judged to be in the best interest of the child would be made by the principal by June 1st. Parents will be notified, in writing with a copy to the Superintendent, of this decision. If the student scheduled to be retained successfully completes the full summer school basic skills program, or a similar pre-approved program, a re-evaluation of the student’s status will be made upon completion of the program.

The student’s folder shall contain a record of school and parental communications regarding any question of course failure or retention. Promotion requirements shall be delineated annually to students in the Windsor Locks Student Handbook.

Grades 6 - 8

For grades 7 and 8, a student must receive a passing grade in four of the five major subjects to be promoted from one grade level to the next. The five major subjects are language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, and foreign language. At grade 6, a student must receive a passing grade in three of the four major subjects which include language arts, math, science, and social studies. If the student scheduled to be retained successfully completes the full summer school basic skills program, or a similar pre-approved program, a reevaluation of the student’s status will be made upon completion of the program. The effects of any identified handicapping condition will be considered. Students and parents will be notified if students will not receive credit for subjects due to unexcused absences (see policy 5113).

The student’s folder shall contain a record of school and parental communications regarding any question of course failure or retention. Promotion requirements shall be delineated annually to students in the Windsor Locks Middle School Handbook.

Grades 9 - 12

At the High School level a student must satisfactorily complete at least 24 credits to be granted a high school diploma, with specific course credit requirements as delineated by Board of Education Policy #6001 Graduation Requirements.

Only course credits earned in grades nine through twelve shall satisfy grade level and graduation requirements. The number of credits earned for a student to be considered a sophomore, junior or senior at Windsor Locks High School are delineated in policy #6001. Students who have not met the requirements to graduate will not be eligible to participate in graduation exercises.

The student’s folder shall contain a record of school and parental communications regarding any question of course failure or retention. Promotion requirements shall be delineated annually to students in the Windsor Locks High School Handbook.Notice Promotion and graduation requirements shall be delineated annually to students in the Windsor Locks High School Program of Studies and in the elementary and middle school student handbooks.

Reference: Policy 5113 Attendance and Excuses

Policy 6001 Gr aduation Requirements

Legal Reference: CGS PA 99-288