9325.3 - Parliamentary Procedures Rules of Order

Bylaws of the Board

Parliamentary Procedures

9325.3 - Rules of Order

Regular and special meetings of the Board of Education (Board) are held in public, but they are not public hearings unless so designated. Comments from those citizens present will be welcomed at times indicated by the Chair, but such participation shall not be allowed to interfere with the conduct of business by the Board.

Procedure will normally be informal for the sake of simplicity and to minimize diversion of discussion to procedural questions. Board members may, however, involve Robert's Rules of Order, Revised.

A majority of the Board members present is required to approve a motion.

When comments from the public would be particularly helpful to the Board in reaching a decision on an item, the Board may schedule a public hearing devoted exclusively to that item. In any case, final action, on a change in Board policy will not normally be taken at the time of its first discussion or at a public hearing unless postponement until the next Board meeting would hinder the intent of such action.

Upon a 2/3 vote of the members of the Board, new business, not listed on the agenda, may be considered and acted upon at a regular meeting of the Board.

No new topic will be started after 10:30 p.m. except by a 2/3 vote of the members present and voting.

If a person or group of persons is so disruptive that the meeting cannot proceed in an orderly fashion, the meeting may be cleared, except for representatives of the news media not involved in the disturbance. A meeting may be adjourned or continued to a time and place specified in the adjournment or continuance.

Legal References:

Connecticut General Statutes

1-200 Definitions

1-206 Denial of access of public records or meetings. Notice. Appeal

1-210 Access to public records

1-226 Recording, broadcasting or photographing meetings

19a-342 Smoking prohibited in certain places. Signed required. Penalty

1-231 Executive sessions

1-232 Conduct of meetings (re disturbances)

10-224 Duties of the Secretary

Bylaw Adopted: June 14, 2012

Revised: November 2019