6406 - Special Education - Due Process

Windsor Locks Board of Education

Manual of Policies, Regulations, and Bylaws

Section: INSTRUCTION Definition: POLICY

Title: Special Education – Due Process Number: 6406

  Page: 1 of 1

Adopted: July 1988



The Windsor Locks Board of Education makes available due process procedures to parents or guardians with regard to the provision of special education and related services.

A special education hearing may be conducted to review (1) the diagnosis, (2) the evaluation of special education programs provided or proposed for such child or pupil, (3) the exclusion or exemption from school privileges of such child or pupil or (4) any other matter concerning the child’s special education or right to special education.

A hearing to review any of the above may be requested, in writing, of the Board of Education by a parent or guardian of a child requiring special education, or an emancipated minor requiring special education, or a pupil eighteen years of age or older requiring special education under sections 10-76a to 10-76g, inclusive, or a surrogate parent appointed pursuant to section 10-94g, or the commissioner of children and youth services or a designee of said commissioner, on behalf of any such child in the custody of said commissioner.

Due process procedures shall be followed as delineated by statute.

Reference: Connecticut General Statute, Section 10-76h