6146.12 - Academic Recognition



Student Achievement Recognition at Graduation

To recognize high academic achievement as determined by students demonstrating mastery in the school’s cross-curricular and content-area graduation standards, Windsor Locks Public Schools uses a system of Latin honors and standards-based Grade Point Averages to award academic recognition and distinction. Rank in class is calculated by determining a student’s Grade Point Average (GPA) which will be calculated at the close of the third marking term of the senior year. Students who transfer into Windsor Locks High School must attend for a minimum of 6 continuous marking periods to be academically recognized for class rank. Using a system familiar to prospective colleges and universities, Windsor Locks Public Schools awards Latin Honors based on individual academic achievement and habits of scholarship achievement as measured against consistently applied learning standards. For the classes of 2020 and beyond, the Windsor Locks Public Schools will recognize students for academic achievement and habits of scholarship achievement separately. Valedictorian and Salutatorian will also be recognized at graduation.

Latin Honors

The categories of academic distinction are as follows:

Summa Cum Laude (with highest honors)

Magna Cum Laude (with great honors)

Cum Laude (with honors)

A. Academic Achievement Honors

Windsor Locks Public Schools will employ a consistent system of grading, scoring, and aggregating mastery that will produce a rolling and cumulative Grade Point Average for each student. The Grade Point Average will be reported on the official Windsor Locks High School transcript and will be used to determine Latin honors in accordance with the following categories:

Summa Cum Laude: Students whose GPA is in the top 5% of the class.

Magna Cum Laude: Students whose GPA is in the top 15% of the class.

Cum Laude: Students whose GPA is in the top 25% of the class.

B. Habits of Scholarship Honors

Windsor Locks Public Schools will apply a consistent system for assessing and aggregating a student’s cumulative performance of the Habits of Scholarship, developed and implemented by the faculty and staff of the Windsor Locks High School and Pine Meadow Academy. Honors distinction for Habits of Scholarship at graduation will be reflective of the process by which the Habits of Scholarship Honor Roll is calculated each marking period.

Summa Cum Laude (with highest honors): HOS career average of 3.6 or higher

Magna Cum Laude (with great honors): HOS career average of 3.4 or higher

Cum Laude (with honors): HOS career average of 3.2 or higher

Legal Reference:

Connecticut General Statutes 10-220g Policy on weighted grades for honors and advanced placement classes

Policy adopted: January 10, 2019

Revised: January 14, 2021


Windsor Locks, Connecticut