6114.6 - Emergency Closings



Emergency Closings

The Board authorizes the Superintendent to close the schools, delay their opening, and/or to dismiss them early in the event of hazardous weather or other emergencies which threaten the safety or health of students or staff members.

For the duration of the 2020-2021 school year, the Superintendent may choose to treat a day in which the weather is hazardous necessitating a weather related school closure (“a snow day”), whether an in-person, hybrid, or remote instructional model is being used, as a Remote Learning Day (RLD) or as a day in which schooling is closed and the cancelled day is to be made up later in the school year in concert with previous practice. Such decisions will be made at the local level led by the Superintendent in consultation with local officials.

All students, when a RLD is declared, will be provided with remote learning on those days in a manner consistent with the regulatory requirements outlined the State Department of Education’s Adapt, Advance, Achieve guidance and Addendum 12.

A RLD remains a work day for all faculty and staff. The Superintendent will determine the location of work for each staff member.

It is understood that the Superintendent will take such action only after consultation with transportation, police, appropriate town maintenance personnel, and weather authorities and health officials.

For 21-22 school year and beyond:

The public will be informed early in each school year of emergency closing, delayed opening, and early dismissal procedures.

In the case of closing the schools for weather or emergencies, administrators and non-certified personnel should make every effort to reach their assigned duties as soon as roads are passable or the emergency condition is deemed safe by school administrators.

Emergency or discretionary leave may be used for those unable to reach a building unless the Superintendent or designee feels conditions are severe enough that all employees are dismissed from attending work.

Every effort will be made to notify employees of the status of opening, either by phone by posting on the District web site, or through television and radio broadcasts.

(cf. 6111 - School Year/School Calendar)

Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes

10-15 Towns to maintain schools

Action of State Board of Education October 7, 2020

Adapt, Advance, Achieve: Connecticut’s Plan to Learn and Grow Together, September 4, 2020

Addendum 12 – Reimaging Connecticut Classrooms: Planning the Instructional Time for Remote Learning in Hybrid and Full Remote Models, September 4, 2020

Policy adopted: 1/14/2021

Windsor Locks Public Schools

Windsor Locks, Connecticut