5111 - 5112 - Admission and Placement


5111/5112 - Admission and Placement 

School Age Entrance 

The Windsor Locks Public Schools (WLPS) shall be open to all children between five years of age and under twenty-one (21). Specific guidelines include the following: 

Students who attain the age of five on or before the first day of January of any school year will be eligible to attend kindergarten on the first day of the school year the preceding fall. Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, students who attain the age of five on or before September 1st of any school year will be able to attend kindergarten on the first day of the school year in that same school year. 

Students who reach age six on or before the first day of January of any school year may enter first grade on the first day of that school year the preceding fall. 

Exceptions to routine admission may be made by the school principal on the basis of supporting evidence from physical and psychological examinations. 

A child who meets the school age entrance requirements may attend the WLPS provided the child additionally meets residency requirements as set forth in state law as well as Windsor Locks Board Policy 5118, Residency and Non-Resident attendance and/or Windsor Locks Board Policy 5118.1, Homeless Students. 


Each child admitted to the WLPS shall be advised by the appropriate school authorities, of an equal opportunity to participate in the program and activities of the school system without discrimination on account of race, color, sex, religion, national origin or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression or disability. 

Special education will be provided (CGS 10-76d(b2)) for children who have attained the age of three and who have been identified as being in need of special education, and whose educational potential will be irreparably diminished without special education. If a special education student is being considered for an exception, the Planning and Placement Team (PPT) will make a recommendation to the administrator in charge of special education. 

Parents and those who have the care of children five years of age and under eighteen (18) years of age are obligated by Connecticut law to require their children to attend public school in the District in which the child resides, unless the parent/guardian is able to show that the child is elsewhere receiving equivalent instruction in the studies required in the public schools. The parent/guardian or person having control of a child seventeen (17) years of age may consent to the withdrawal of such student from school. To withdraw the student, the parent/guardian or person who has care of the seventeen year of child is required to personally appear at the school district office and sign a withdrawal form (Form 2). The District shall provide the parents or guardians with information on the educational opportunities available in the school system. 

The parent or guardian who has the care of a child five years of age shall have the option of not sending the child to school until the child is six years of age. The option may be renewed when the child reaches six years of age if the parent/guardian wishes to defer enrollment until the child is seven years of age. 

The parent/guardian shall exercise above option by personally appearing at the school district office and by signing an option form (Form 1). The District shall provide the parents or guardians with information on the educational opportunities available in the school system. 

Each child entering the district schools for the first time must present a birth certificate or offer legal evidence of birth data, as well as proof of a recent physical examination and required immunizations. If the parents or guardians of any children are unable to pay for such immunizations, the expense of such immunizations shall, on the recommendation of the Board, be paid by the town. Proof of domicile may also be requested by the Building Principal. 

The above requirements are not to serve as barriers to immediate enrollment of students, designated as homeless or foster children as required by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA and the McKinney-Vento Act as amended by ESSA. WLPS shall work with the child welfare agency, the school last attended, or other relevant agencies to obtain necessary enrollment documentation. Students who are classified as homeless under federal law and therefore do not have a fixed residence, will be admitted pursuant to federal law and Board policy 5118.1, Homeless Students. 

Parents/guardians shall bear the cost of health assessments for entry to school, except for parents or guardians who meet the eligibility requirements for free and reduced price meals under the National School Lunch Act. Where parents meet these eligibility requirements, the Board of Education shall bear the cost of such assessments. In all cases where further testing or treatment beyond the basic assessment is necessary, the parent or guardian shall bear the costs of such testing or treatment. 

No child shall be required to undergo a physical or medical examination or treatment, or to be compelled to receive medical instruction, if the parent or legal guardian of such pupil, in writing, notifies the Principal or other person in charge of such students that such parent or guardian objects, on religious grounds, to such physical or medical examination or treatment or medical instruction. 

Any child entering or returning to the District from placement in a juvenile detention school, the Connecticut Juvenile Training School, or any other residential placement, shall have the educational records of such child provided to the Superintendent of Schools by the Department of Children and Families (DCF) and the Judicial Department. Such information will be shared with the Principal of the school to which the student is assigned. The Principal can disclose them to the staff who teach or care for the child. 

The Board shall immediately enroll any student who transfers from Unified School District #1or Unified School District #2. A student transferring from the Unified School Districts who had previously attended school in the WLPS District prior to enrollment in Unified School District #1 or Unified School District #2 shall be enrolled in the school such student previously attended, provided such school has the appropriate grade level for the student. 


Children who have attained the age of nineteen or older may be placed in an alternative school program or other suitable educational program if they cannot acquire a sufficient number of credits for graduation by age twenty-one. 

Students who apply for initial admission to the District’s schools by transfer from non-public schools or from public schools outside the District will be placed at the grade they would have reached elsewhere pending observation and evaluation by classroom teachers, guidance personnel, and the school Principal and consultation with the student’s parent/guardian. 

At the high school level, a student’s record of transfer shall be received and appraised. If the school from which the student is transferring is accredited by the New England Association of Secondary Schools and Colleges or its equivalent, the courses and their levels, credits and grades shall be transferred to the Windsor Locks High School. If the district is not accredited the administration and guidance staff shall appraise and determine the courses credible toward graduation. These decisions will be reviewed with the student and parents/guardians. 

The transferring student’s class rank shall be based upon grades as transferred. Where transcripts received indicate letter grades only, the sending school will be asked to supply the numerical grades. 

WLPS shall provide written notification of enrollment to the school district where the transferring student previously attended not later than two business days after the student enrolls. The school district where the student previously attended school shall transfer the student's education records to the WLPS no later than ten days after receipt of notification of enrollment, and if the student's parent or guardian did not give written authorization for the transfer of such records, shall send notification of the transfer to the parent or guardian at the same time that it transfers the records. 

Any child entering or returning to the District from placement in a juvenile detention school, the Connecticut Juvenile Training School, or any other residential placement, shall have the educational records of such child provided to the Superintendent of Schools by the Department of Children and Families (DCF) and the Judicial Department. Such information will be shared with the Principal of the school to which the student is assigned. The Principal can disclose them to the staff who teach or care for the child. 

The Board shall immediately enroll any student who transfers from Unified School District #1 or Unified School District #2. A student transferring from the Unified School Districts who had previously attended school in the WLPS District prior to enrollment in Unified School District #1 or Unified School District #2 shall be enrolled in the school such student previously attended, 4 provided such school has the appropriate grade level for the student. 

In the case of a student who transfers from Unified School District #1 or Unified School District #2 to the WLPS, the Board shall provide written notification of enrollment in the District to Unified School District #1 or Unified School District #2 not later than ten days after the date of enrollment. The Unified School District shall, not later than ten days after receipt of notification of enrollment from the WLP, transfer the records of the student to the WLPS. Not later than thirty days after receiving the student's education records, the student shall be credited by WLPS for all instruction received in Unified School District #1 or Unified School District #2. 

Transfer and New Resident Students 

Parents and students making application to the school system shall complete a registration form. All immunizations and health requirements shall be met prior to the admission of the student. Copies of records and transcripts shall be obtained from sending schools with authorization of the parent or guardian or student if eighteen years of age or more in accordance with Board Policy 5141.3 Health Assessments and Immunizations. Students born in high risk countries and entering school in Connecticut for the first time should receive either TST (tuberculin skin test) or IGRA (interferon-gamma release assay). Any individual found to be positive shall have an appropriate medical management plan developed that includes a chest radiograph. Students not already known to have a positive test for tuberculosis should be tested if they meet any of the risk factors for TB infection.


Assignment of Former Home-Schooled Students to Classes 

When a student enters the District from home-schooled instruction, the District is required to determine the appropriate grade level and course level placement for the student. The procedures/guidelines contained in Board Policy 5122.3, Assignment of Former Home-Schooled Students to Classes, and its regulations shall be followed to guide such a determination. 


Grade placement shall be the responsibility of the principal and shall be based on general achievement with consideration given to the mental, physical, emotional and social maturity of the child. 

In general, students transferring into the system will be placed at the same grade level as in the school from which they transferred. However, transferring as well as continuing students may be retained or advanced in grade at the Principal’s discretion after consultation with parents. 


At the high school level, a student’s record of transfer shall be received and appraised. If the sending school, i.e. school from which the student is transferring, is a school accredited by The New England Association of Secondary Schools and Colleges or its equivalent, the courses and their levels, credits and grades shall be transferred and received in total by Windsor Locks High School. If the school is not accredited the administration and guidance staff shall appraise and determine the courses creditable toward graduation. Any decision in this regard shall be reviewed with the parents and students. In general, the number of course credits and required courses for graduation at Windsor Locks High School shall supersede the requirements for graduation at the sending school. In the event that the sending school does not comply with said request, the Guidance Department staff will convert the letter grades to their numerical equivalents, utilizing the midrange score for each letter grade. Consideration for senior class valedictorian and salutatorian shall be given to students whose enrollment in Windsor Locks High School has extended over a period of at least 1 year. 

The transferring student’s class rank shall be based on his/her grades as transferred. Where transcripts received indicate only letter grades, the sending school shall be asked to send the numerical grades as well for the purpose of calculating class rank. 

When secondary and post-secondary schools request records of students transferring from Windsor Locks, upon the release of records authorized by the parent or guardian or student if over eighteen, the Guidance Department shall forward to such schools copies of the academic records transferred from previously attended schools as well as copies of all Windsor Locks academic records. 

When secondary and post-secondary schools request records of District students, upon the release of records authorized by the parent or guardian or student if over eighteen, the Guidance Department shall forward to such schools copies of the academic records transferred from previously attended schools as well as copies of all Windsor Locks academic records. 

Children who have attained the age of seventeen and who have terminated enrollment in the District’s schools with parental permission as described previously and subsequently seeks readmission may be denied readmission for up to ninety school days from the date of such termination, unless such child seeks readmission to a District school not later than ten days after such termination. In such case the child will be provided school accommodations not later than three days after the requested readmission. 

Legal References:  Connecticut General Statutes 

10-15 Towns to maintain schools 

10-15c Discrimination in public schools prohibited. School attendance by five-year olds, as amended by PA 97-247 

10-76a - 10-76g re special education 

10-184 Duties of parents Duties of parents. School attendance age requirements (as amended by PA 98-243, PA 00-157 and PA 09-6 (September Special Session) 

10-186 Duties of local and regional boards of education re school attendance. Hearings. Appeals to state board. Establishment of hearing board. Readmission. Transfer 

10-220h Transfer of student records, as amended. 

P.A. 11-115 An Act Concerning Juvenile Reentry and Education 10-233a - 10-233f Inclusive; re: suspend, expel, removal of pupils 10-233c Suspension of pupils 6 

10-233d Expulsion of pupils 

10-233k Notification of school officials of potentially dangerous students. (as amended by PA 01-176) 

10-261 Definitions 

State Board of Education Regulations 

10-76a-1 General definitions (c) (d) (q) (t) 

10-76d-7 Admission of student requiring special education (referral) 10-204a Required immunizations (as amended by PA 98-243) McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. §11431 et seq. Plyler vs. Doe, 457 U.S. 202 (1982) 

Policy Adopted: March 28, 2013 

Policy Revised: September 9, 2021, October 23, 2023 5111/5112 

Form #1 


Pursuant to Section 10-184 of the Connecticut General Statutes 

I,____________________________________________ , of ___________________________________________ , 

Name of Parent, Guardian or Other Address 

the parent, guardian or other person charged with the care of the following minor child, 

______________________________________________    ______________________________________________ of who was 

Name of Child Address

born on ________________ do hereby choose not to send my child to public school during the



School Year 

Furthermore, before signing this form, a representative of the 


Name of District 

school district met with me and provided me with information concerning the educational opportunities and school accommodations available in the school system. 

ACKNOWLEDGED BY:                                


Signature of Parent, Guardian or Other




Form #2 


Pursuant to Section 10-184 of the Connecticut General Statutes 

I,____________________________________________ , of ___________________________________________ , 

Name of Parent, Guardian or Other Address 

the parent, guardian or other person charged with the care of the following minor child,

______________________________________________    ______________________________________________ of who was 

Name of Child Address 

born on _______________________ do hereby elect to withdraw my child from public school. 

Furthermore, before signing this form, a representative of the ______________________________________________________

Name of District

school district met with me and provided me with information concerning the educational opportunities and school accommodations available in the school system. 

ACKNOWLEDGED BY:                                


Signature of Parent, Guardian or Other

