9350 - Hearings

Bylaws of the Board

9350 - Hearings

These rules shall apply to all formal hearings before the Board of Education (Board) in contested cases. Said rules shall not apply to conferences or other informal investigations or proceedings at or upon which no formal ruling or decision is made, or to any proceeding in a non-contested case.

Hearings or Appeals

All requests for hearing or appeals authorized under law, and regulations of the State of Connecticut or as otherwise provided for by resolutions of the Board shall be in writing to the Board Chairperson or the Superintendent. Appeals from the decision of the Superintendent shall include the appellant's statement of the issues to be presented in said appeal. All hearings in personnel actions held under Notice of Hearing, 1., will not be public unless both parties agree. All hearings held under Notice of Hearing, 2., will be public.

Notice of Hearing


Records - Transcripts

Presiding Officer - Duties and Authority

Each hearing shall be held before not less than a quorum of the Board. The Board Chairperson, or in his/her absence the Vice-Chairperson, and in the absence of both a member designated by the Chairperson, shall be the presiding officer and shall have charge of the hearing, with authority to permit the examination of witnesses testifying in the proceedings.

Order of Procedure

The order in which the parties shall present their case shall be determined by the presiding officer except in cases of appeals as follows:

Examination of Witnesses and Introduction of Evidence


Any party may submit briefs of the issues of fact and law involved in the hearing in such form as the presiding officer may designate.


The presiding officer of the Board may request the Board attorney to participate in any hearing as counsel for the Board.

Decision and Order

Each decision and order of the Board shall be delivered in writing, unless it shall immediately follow the hearing, in which case it shall be delivered orally and thereafter in writing, with copies to all parties. Each decision and order shall be accompanied by findings of fact, conclusions of law, and specific disposition of the case and shall be provided to the individual. Formal action of the Board shall be taken publicly at the next regular Board meeting following the hearing, but no other information will be released by the Board or school administration as noted above.

Legal Reference:

Connecticut General Statutes

4-177 - re Contested Cases

Bylaw Adopted: June 14, 2012

Revised: November 2019