5141.6 - Crisis Response



Crisis Response

Crisis Management Plan (Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness Plan)

The Board of Education recognizes that all District staff and students must be prepared to respond quickly and responsibly to emergencies, disasters, and threats of disaster.

The Superintendent or designee shall develop and maintain a disaster preparedness plan which details provisions for handling emergencies and disasters and which shall be included in the District's comprehensive school safety plan.

The Superintendent or designee shall also develop and maintain emergency plans for each school site.

In developing the District and school emergency plans, the Superintendent or designee shall collaborate with local and state emergency responders, including local public health administrators.

The Superintendent or designee shall use state-approved Standardized Emergency Management System guidelines and the National Incident Command System when updating district and sitelevel emergency and disaster preparedness plans.

The Superintendent shall cooperate with the local Emergency Preparedness Response Team as needed.

The Board accepts the responsibility for providing shelter grounds, and equipment to public agencies, including the American Red Cross, for mass care and welfare during disasters or other emergencies affecting the public health and safety. , The Board shall cooperate with such agencies in furnishing and maintaining whatever services they deem necessary to meet the community’s needs.

(cf. 5141.22 – Communicable/Infectious Diseases)

(cf. 6114 – Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness)

(cf. 6114.6 – Emergency Closings)

(cf. 6114.8 – Pandemic/Epidemic Emergencies)

Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes

10-154a Professional communications between teacher or nurse and student.

10-207 Duties of medical advisors.

10-209 Records not to be public.

10-210 Notice of disease to be given parent or guardian.

10-221 Boards of education to prescribe rules.

19a-221 Quarantine of certain persons.

52-557b Immunity from liability for emergency medical assistance, first aid or medication by injection. School personnel not required to administer or render.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, (FERPA), 20

U.S.C. 1232g, 45 C.F.R. 99.

Policy adopted: March 28, 2013 WINDSOR LOCKS PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Windsor Locks, Connecticut



Crisis Response

Crisis Management Plan

The Board of Education and administration acknowledges the necessity to prepare a Crisis Management Plan in the event that a crisis should occur. Our children have a basic need for security and safety. Any event which threatens that feeling of safety and security shall be considered a crisis. There are unlimited possibilities for crisis situations that could impact the district. Those include, but may not be limited to the following situations: suicide, death, acts of violence, trauma, natural disaster, and accident.

It is the intent of the Crisis Management Plan to develop and implement (1) primary prevention to prevent a crisis situation from occurring, (2) secondary prevention to deal with the immediate aftermath, and (3) tertiary prevention which provides long term follow-up for those affected by the crisis. Components of the plan are:

1. Administrative commitment to support by allocating staff time, resources, and leadership.

2. Designation of responsible parties. Appropriate staff must be given the directive and resources to take action. Clear responsibility and reporting lines will be spelled out.

3. Plan for all staff in-service education. It is imperative that all staff, including clerical, food service, and maintenance understand the goal of the plan, and learn prevention strategies.


It will be the responsibility of the Superintendent to appoint a district-wide Crisis Management Coordinator.

The Crisis Management Coordinator shall recruit building level teams, coordinate in-services for teams and all staff, and serve as a liaison between central office and staff.

Planning for Crisis Intervention

A checklist will be provided by the Superintendent and the Crisis Management Coordinator. This list shall be widely distributed to employees and other appropriate personnel.

Building Level Teams

The building team will be composed of building staff. Candidates for membership on the team should have an interest in crisis management, be willing to serve, have the time and flexibility to be trained and to respond. (Suggested for membership: school administrators, school counselors, classroom teachers, school psychologists, school social workers, school nurses, clerical staff.)

The coordinator for of the building level team is the building Principal. All team members will be trained to serve as liaisons with specific groups within the school and community. Each team member will be responsible for one or more of the following; law enforcement, medical, students, parents, public information, clergy, mental health agencies, and funeral homes.

Building Level Coordinator (Principal)

General Responsibilities:

Building Level Coordinator (Principal)

Crisis Reaction

Media Liaison

General Responsibilities

Media Liaison (continued)

Crisis Response

Law Enforcement Liaison

General Responsibilities

Crisis Response

Media Liaison

General Responsibilities

Crisis Response

Funeral Home/Clergy Liaison

General Responsibilities

1. Be familiar with school crisis plan.

Crisis Response

Parent Liaison

General Responsibilities

Crisis Response

Counseling/Psychological Liaison

General Responsibilities

Regulation approved: March 28, 2013 WINDSOR LOCKS PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Windsor Locks, Connecticut