2410 - Accounting System


2410 – Accounting System 

The system of accounting shall provide for the appropriate separation of accounts, funds and special monies as prescribed by the state and federal authorities. Internal controls are established through: 

a. a chart of accounts 

b. a system of recording all financial transactions that occur 

c. establishment and enforcement of internal accounting policies and a system of checks and balances along with proper separation of duties. 

d. a post audit of accounts by an outside agency 

The Board of Education (Board) will receive periodic updates of the financial condition of the school district. 

The Board directs the Superintendent of Schools to complete and file financial reports to the Commissioner of Education as required in accordance with state law. 

Legal References: 

Connecticut General Statute 

10-10c Uniform System of Accounting. Chart of Accounts, Audit. 

10-227 Returns of receipts, expenditures and statistics to Commissioner of Education. 

Policy Adopted: January 1975 

Revised: October 2019