9121 - Office of The Chairperson


Bylaws of the Board


The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Windsor Locks Board of Education and shall perform other duties as directed by law, State Department of Education regulations, and by this Board. In carrying out these responsibilities, the Chairperson shall:

1. Sign the instruments, acts, and orders necessary to carry out state requirements and the will of the Board.

2. Consult with the Superintendent in the planning of the Board's agendas.

3. Confer with the Superintendent on crucial matters which may occur between Board meetings.

4. Appoint Board committees, subject to Board approval.

5. Call special meetings of the Board as necessary.

6. Be public spokesperson for the Board at all times except as this responsibility is specifically delegated to others.

7. Be responsible for the orderly conduct of all Board meetings.

8. Assume such other duties as may be authorized by the Board.

The Chairperson shall have the right, as other Board members have, to offer resolutions, discuss questions, and to vote.

(cf. 9020 - Public Statements)

(cf. 9325 - Meeting Conduct)

Legal Reference:     Connecticut General Statutes

10-218 Officers. Meetings.

Bylaw Adopted: June 14, 2012

Revised: November 2019