5122.3 - Assignment of Former Home-Schooled Students to Classes


5122.3R - Assignment of Former Home-Schooled Students to Classes

When a student enters the District from home-schooled instruction, the District is required to determine the appropriate grade level and course level placement for the student. In order to make such determination, when a student seeks entry, the following procedures/guidelines listed below shall be followed.

The District retains the absolute right for assignment of all students. The parent/guardian, teacher, student (when appropriate), and the Building Principal shall meet to consider appropriate placement at grade level.

Elementary and Middle School (K-8) Students

At the elementary and middle school levels, the grade placement shall depend upon the age of the student, physical maturity, social adjustment, performance in relation to student learning objectives for grade level and a review of the course work completed during home instruction, as submitted by the parent/guardian as proof of achievement. This may include a portfolio of completed assignments, essays, tests, reports or other materials. The use of placement tests, achievement tests, or other assessments as deemed necessary for evaluation, administered by school staff, shall also be appropriate in determining grade placement.

High School

In addition to the above criteria, the following applies to students seeking entry from home schooling at the high school level (9-12).

• The student must qualify for admission with appropriate grade level skills and course credits.

• The Principal or designee will verify that the student is eligible to be included in school under these procedures.

• Following consultation with parents/guardians and the administration of academic standardized tests and other assessments, where appropriate, the Principal or designee will make a determination of grade placement. Such determination will be based upon the District official’s professional judgment of:

o The requests of the parent/guardian;

o The student’s verified performance while on home-based instruction; and

o When appropriate, the student’s academic ability as documented by the results of district administered standardized achievement tests and other assessments as appropriate.

• Academic credits may be provided by the District to the student provided the student demonstrates appropriate academic proficiency. Proficiency in subject areas/courses is to be determined by tests administered by the respective Department Chairperson. Such tests can consist of semester and/or year-end tests. Any dispute or question to a proficiency determination shall be referred to the Principal.

• The amount of credit(s) to be awarded will be determined by the Department Chairperson(s) on the basis of proficiency with a recommendation to the Principal. Satisfactory proficiency for a specific course will be given a grade of “P” for passing with no letter or numerical designation of level of proficiency.

• When a determination has been made that the student is to receive credit toward graduation for a course(s) taken while home-schooled, the letter “P” as indicated above shall be entered on the student’s transcript, for pass, along with the statement, “Home-Schooled.” These courses are not to be considered in the grade point average or class rank of the student.

• When non-academic courses such as art or music are presented for credit by a home-schooled student, the school personnel responsible for determining mastery may elect to review a portfolio of work done by the student and/or allow the student to demonstrate proficiency through a performance.

• Once the appropriate grade level has been determined, the student and his/her parent/guardian and a guidance counselor will develop a planned program of study which will enable the student to make appropriate progress toward fulfilling the District’s graduation requirements.

• All students must complete all courses required by state and federal statutes.

• In order to graduate from the District’s high school, the student must be enrolled in the District for his/her eleventh (11th) and twelfth (12th) grades.

• No student shall be eligible for valedictorian/salutatorian honors or for designation as an honors graduate who has not been enrolled in the district’s high school for at least two (2) years preceding high school graduation.

Legal Reference:

Connecticut General Statutes

10-221(b) Boards of education to prescribe rules

Regulation Approved: March 28, 2013

Regulation Revised: September 9, 2021