6404 - Planning and Placement Teams

Windsor Locks Board of Education

Manual of Policies, Regulations, and Bylaws

Section: INSTRUCTION Definition: POLICY

Title: Planning and Placement Teams Number: 6404

  Special Education   Page: 1 of 1

Adopted: October 1975

Revised: March 1979; August 1983


Planning and placement teams (PPT) are comprised of professional staff members and parents. Membership on each school PPT will consist of the principal or his assistant as Chairman, a representative of the special services department and the classroom teacher(s). Other specialists shall be included, as needed, (i.e., psychiatrist, learning disabilities teacher, speech and hearing clinician, reading teacher, school nurse, and others). A parent or guardian has the right to be present and to participate in at least all portions of PPT meetings, at which an educational program for the child is discussed, developed or written.

PPT’s are established according to state regulations in order to:

The Individualized Educational Program (IEP) for each child placed in a special education program will be reviewed annually by the PPT. The PPT will contribute to the IEP of each child in any or all of the following ways:

a) Write the initial plan.

b) Update a plan currently in effect.

c) Recommend changes in the program.

Any changes in the IEP reviewed as necessary by the PPT, will be made in consultation with the servicing institution.

Records shall be maintained of all PPT meetings.

Reference: Sections 10-76 a-q of the Connecticut General Statutes