9400 - Board Self Evaluation

Bylaws of the Board

9400 - Board Self Evaluation

Members of the Board of Education (Board) will conduct an annual process of Board Self Evaluation. As part of this process, members will complete a Connecticut Association of Board of Education (CABE) Self Evaluation and conduct executive sessions discussions with regard to the current status and future workings of the Board.

a. The Board and its members should strive to make the educational interests and well-being of its school children as their top priority.

b. Board Members should endeavor to support Board action and decisions, even if, as individuals they do not agree with the majority decision.

c. Board members should recognize that they as individuals have no “power” to act or speak for the Board, and will endeavor to conduct themselves in a manner which supports the “Board Authority” versus individual actions.

d. Board members should endeavor, at all times, to act in courteous manner towards other Board members, so as to foster a spirit of cooperation within the school community, and, wherever possible, work towards compromise and consensus as an appropriate method to resolve their differences.

e. Board members should respect the confidentiality of the executive sessions due to the sensitive nature of the issues appropriate for such discussions of the Board.

f. Board members should act only through the proper channels and should endeavor to allow the administration an opportunity to address Board concerns prior to Board action.

g. Board members should avoid public criticism of other Board members, staff or staff recommendations, except within the appropriate Board forums, i.e. Board meetings/executive sessions.

h. The Board should conduct a self-evaluation and orientation for all members on an annual basis.

a. The Board should endeavor to take a more active role in the development of new policies and review of the existing policy manual.

b. Board members shall become more familiar with existing policies as contained in the Board Policy manual.

c. The Board should take a more active role in the consistent implementation of Board Policy

d. The Board should implement a planned regular review of existing policy and should annually vote to reaffirm the policy manual.

e. The Board should endeavor to ensure that Board decisions are consistent with existing policy and will not make decisions contrary to such policy.

a. The Board should endeavor to work in a cooperative effort with the Superintendent to promote the educational interests of the school district.

b. The Board and the Superintendent should cooperatively establish annual goals for the Superintendent and should perform an annual Superintendent evaluation based on the prior year’s goals and objectives.

a. The Board should establish a policy with regard to community - Board relations.

b. Board members should refrain from debating Board issues via the news media and individual Board members should comment on Board actions only after full discussion of the issues has taken place at the Board level.

c. The Board should endeavor to keep the community informed of its actions in a positive, continuing manner.

d. The Board should establish regular communication with the news media and should cooperatively work with the media to ensure maximum public awareness of school/community issues.

a. The Board should direct staff complaints and suggestions through the appropriate levels of the administration.

b. The Board should endeavor to recognize outstanding Staff performance on a regular planned basis.

a. The Board should continue to support the District’s commitment to academic excellence.

b. The Board should encourage development of curriculum which challenges each student to their level of ability.

a. The Board should continue its fiscal support of the academic, athletic, cultural and social aspects of the school district.

b. The Board should continue to monitor budgetary issues affecting the district.

c. The Board should endeavor to work more closely with the Town’s Fiscal Authority to develop appropriate funding to meet the district’s educational goals and objectives.

Specifically, the Board members in attendance are recommending the following:

Legal References:

Connecticut General Statutes

10-14m-10-14r educational evaluation and remedial assistance

10-220 Duties of boards of education

Bylaw Adopted: June 14, 2012

Revised: November 2019


Form #1

Leadership Team Self-Assessment Worksheet

This assessment will be used to assist your board to better function as a team by generating discussion at its self-assessment meeting. Please answer each question as honestly as possible. Remember, you are trying to ascertain how well the board functions as a team. Keep that in mind as you respond to these questions.

District: _______________________________________________





Not Sure


The board adopts a district vision and/or mission for district improvement.


The board adopts annual goals and priorities for district improvement.


Improving student learning is the primary focus in our decision-making.


We use data and reports to assess progress and identify areas needing improvement.


The board uses the policy manual to define its vision and expectations of the school district.


We conduct business only at properly called meetings.


Our board has effective meetings


Board members are prepared for meetings.


The board conducts comprehensive orientation activities to familiarize new board members with their role on the team.


The board ensures parents, businesses, and the public are informed on educational activities and encouraged to participate when appropriate.


I attend board-related professional development workshops annually.


We conduct district business in accordance with established ethical standards.


Board members communicate with one another in a respectful manner.


Board members are open and honest with each other.


All members of the board maintain confidentiality regarding sensitive communications.


All members honor board decisions even when the vote is not unanimous.


The board does not let politics interfere with district business.


Our board deals with conflicts openly and honestly.


Information is shared equally with each member of the board/superintendent team.


The superintendent exhibits confidence and trust in each member of the board.


Each board member exhibits confidence and trust in the superintendent.


The board demonstrates support and respect for the superintendent's role as the chief executive officer of the district.


Our board clearly states its position on controversial matters to the superintendent.


The superintendent's position on controversial matters is clearly stated to the board.


Our board evaluates the superintendent performance based on clearly defined performance goals and expectations.


Directions to the superintendent come from the board as whole; not individual board members.


Form #2

Leadership Team Consensus Summary

Please add any additional comments here (comments will be shared with participants):





Board Operations:




Board Ethics:




Board/Superintendent Relations:




General Comments:


