3541 - Transportation


Non Instructional


The Board of Education will provide reasonable transportation for all eligible students who are residents of Windsor Locks so that they may attend the public schools maintained by the Board. A student will not be provided transportation if the student is a graduate of a high school or vocational school or if the student has been legally excluded from school or transportation.

“Transportation” means the procedure, programs or fully effective and implemented plan by which a student is conveyed to and/or from school from their residence or the bus stop at public expense, whether by use of publicly owned equipment or by contract. Such transportation shall be over public roads approved pursuant to Section 10-220c of the Connecticut General Statutes and shall be furnished in a manner consistent with the provisions of state law and the regulations of the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Students do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy within the school community while riding the school buses. Therefore, the Board of Education and/or the bus contractor may, from time to time, photograph students while they are riding on school buses by use of videotape or otherwise, to assist in monitoring student behavior. All such photographs and/or videotapes will be treated as confidential documents to the extent permitted by law, which will be distributed only to those employees or agents of the Board of Education and/or the bus contractor as needed, and to law enforcement agencies as appropriate unless otherwise required by law.

The Superintendent shall ensure that the operation of transportation:

Legal References:

Connecticut General Statutes:

10-76d(e) Re: Transportation for Special Education

10-97 Transportation to Vocational Schools

10-186 Duties of local and regional Boards of Education regarding school attendance hearings

10-220 Duties of Boards of Education

10-220(c) Transportation of children over private rods. Immunity from liability

Adopted: April 1993

Revised: June 2001, April 2020

Replaces: 3800, 3803, 5200





All students enrolled in kindergarten through grade five shall be provided with transportation to their school.

Students in grades six through twelve shall be considered to be within walking distance if they live within one mile of their school but may receive transportation when, in the opinion of the Superintendent, a hazard exists or the special needs of a student require such transportation in accordance with state statutes.

“Walking distance” means the linear measure of a prescribed or authorized pedestrian route between the student’s residence and his school from a point at the curb or edge of a public or private road nearest the student’s residence to a point at the entrance of the school, or a safe entrance to the school grounds located within one hundred feet of the school building entrance or the bus pick-up area, or the route from the point on the public thoroughfare nearest the residence to the school bus or vehicle embarkation point established by the Board of Education.

“Hazard” means a condition affecting the safety of students walking to and from school or a designated bus stop. A hazard shall generally be deemed to exist if a street, road or highway has no sidewalks or raised walk area plus any of the following conditions exist:



In all exceptions, the alternative pick up or drop off location must be on a regularly scheduled bus route and such exceptions may not result in an overcrowding on a bus.

Requests for all such changes must be submitted by the parent or guardian in writing to the building principal. The written request must state specifically the nature of the request, the beginning and ending dates for the change and the reasons for the request. Parents of elementary students who request such changes must, prior to the change taking effect, follow-up the written request with a telephone call to the main office of their student’s school to confirm that the written request has been received and to assure that the request is indeed from the parent/guardian.

Under normal circumstances, such requests must be received no less than three (3) school days prior to the expected change during the school year or no less than two (2) calendar weeks prior to the first day of school during the summer vacation.



Any parent or guardian may appeal any administrative decision concerning school transportation by requesting a hearing before the Board of Education if the parent or guardian believes that the decision:

The request for a hearing shall be in writing and shall detail the nature of the complaint and the remedy sought. The Board shall hold a hearing within ten calendar days of the receipt of the request, and the hearing shall be in compliance with the provisions of Sections 4-177 to 4-180 inclusive of the Connecticut General statutes. A stenographic record or tape recording shall be made of such hearing. The Board shall inform the complainant in writing of its decision and the reason(s) for its decision within ten calendar days of the completion of the hearing.

If a parent is not satisfied with the decision of the Board, the parent may appeal that decision to the State Board of Education pursuant to Section 10-186 of the Connecticut General Statutes.