9221 - Filling Vacancies on Board

Bylaws of the Board

9221 - Filling Vacancies on Board

Vacancies in the Board of Education (Board) shall be filled within sixty days by a majority vote of the remaining members of such Board by the appointment of a member of the same political party in which was enrolled the person whose discontinuance in office caused such vacancy, until the next succeeding biennial election at which time a person shall be elected to fill the unexpired term of such Board. In case of a tie vote in the vote of such Board, in carrying out the provisions of this section, such tie vote may be dissolved by vote of the First Selectman.

Legal References:

Connecticut General Statutes

10-219 Procedure for filling vacancy on local board of education

Charter, Town of Windsor Locks, Sec. 205, p.3

Bylaw Adopted: June 14, 2012

Revised: November 2019