2411 - Student Activities Fund Accounting


2411 – Student Activity Fund 

Student activity funds shall be established in Windsor Locks Public Schools and maintained in accordance with state statute. Sub-accounts shall be maintained for each student activity approved by the Board and a general cumulative account ledger shall also be maintained for handling funds collected in the name of the school.

Student activity funds should not be confused with internal school funds such as lunchroom receipts, library fines, text book fines, and similar funds for which the Board of Education is directly responsible. In contrast with internal school funds, student activities funds are typically collected voluntarily by students and spent by them as determined appropriate so long as established regulations and procedures are followed.

The purposes of the raising and expending of activity money by student bodies are to promote the general welfare, education, and morale of the students and to finance the normal authorized extra-curricular activities of the student body organization. Student activity money shall, insofar as possible, be expended in such a way as to benefit those pupils currently in school who have contributed to the accumulation of such money.

Student activity funds may be carried over from year to year and school clubs or other organizations are encouraged to conduct a regular meeting to discuss and determine how unexpended funds should be dispersed at the end of a given school year or upon the disbandment of the club or organization. If a club or organization disbands and no disposition has been made for unused sums, such sums shall be transferred to the respective school’s principal student activity account after paying any outstanding debts of the club or organization.

The management of student activity funds shall be in accordance with sound business practices, including sound budgetary and accounting procedures and thorough audits.

The following guidelines to student activities financial accounting are established by the Windsor Locks Board of Education to ensure that efficient procedures are available for the creation, operation and culmination of student activities funds.

a) School activity funds will be considered town accounts and shall by audited by the town auditor in the same manner as all other accounts. 

b) All school activity fund accounts shall be maintained by the Business Office

c) Separate accounts shall be maintained for student activities.

d) All bank deposits shall be made by each building’s administrative assistant or an authorized activity advisor. Collections should be deposited daily, if reasonable but no later than 10 business days after receipt of funds.

e) Records of all transactions will be kept by the Business Office and reviewed regularly by the student activity advisor. Supporting documentation for each transaction shall be kept for audit. Disbursements will be made in accordance with the WLBOE Purchasing Policy and Procedures.

f) Bank statements should be reconciled with the activity fund books as soon as possible after they are received. Reconciliations will be completed by the Business Office.

Legal References:

Connecticut General Statutes

10-237 Student Activity Funds

Policy Adopted: December 1989

Revised: October 2019