5141.4 - Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect



Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect

The Board of Education (Board) recognizes its legal and ethical obligations in the reporting of suspected child abuse and neglect. Any person applying for employment with the Board shall submit to a record check of the Department of Children and Families Child Abuse and Neglect Registry before the person may be hired. Mandated reporters include all school employees, specifically Superintendent, administrators, teachers, substitute teachers, guidance counselors, school paraprofessionals, coaches of intramural and interscholastic athletics, as well as licensed nurses, physicians, psychologists and social workers either employed by the Board or working in one of the District schools, or any other person who, in the performance of his or her duties, has regular contact with students and who provides services to or on behalf of students enrolled in District schools. Such individual(s) who have reasonable cause to suspect or believe that a child has been abused, neglected, placed in imminent risk of serious harm, or sexually assaulted by a school employee is required to report such abuse and/or neglect or risk, and/or sexual assault.

The Board shall annually distribute the mandated reporter policy electronically to all school employees. The Board shall annually distribute electronically, to all school employees, Board members, and parents and guardians of enrolled students, (1) guidelines on identifying and reporting child sexual abuse, starting in the 2022-2023 school year, and (2) information on the DCF’s sexual abuse and assault awareness and prevention program.

A mandated reporter’s suspicions may be based on factors including, but not limited to, observations, allegations, facts by a child, victim, or third party. Suspicion or belief does not require certainty or probable cause.

Furthermore, the Board of Education requires all personnel who have reasonable cause to suspect or believe that a child, under the age of eighteen (18), except in the case of sexual assault by a school employee, has been abused, neglected, has had non-accidental physical injury, or injury which is at variance with the history given of such injury, or is placed in imminent danger of serious harm or has been sexually abused by a school employee to report such cases in accordance with the law, Board policy and administrative regulations. The mandatory reporting requirement regarding the sexual assault of a student by a school employee applies based on the person’s status as a student, rather than his or her age.

A mandated reporter shall make an oral report, by telephone or in person, to the Commissioner of Children and Families or a law enforcement agency as soon as possible, but no later than twelve (12) hours after the reporter has reasonable cause to suspect the child has been abused or neglected. In addition, the mandated reporter shall inform the building principal or his/her designee that he/she will be making such a report. Not later than forty-eight hours of making the oral report, the mandated reporter shall file a written report with the Commissioner of Children and Families or his/her designee. (The Department of Children and Families has established a 24 hour Child Abuse and Neglect hotline at 1-800-842-2288 for the purpose of making such oral reports.)

The oral and written reports shall include, if known: (1) the names and addresses of the child and his/her parents/guardians; (2) the child’s age; (3) the child’s gender; (4) the nature and extent of the child’s injury or injuries, maltreatment or neglect; (5) the approximate date and time the injury or injuries, maltreatment or neglect occurred; (6) information concerning any previous injury or injuries to, or maltreatment or neglect of, the child or his/her siblings; (7) the circumstances in which the injury or injuries, maltreatment or neglect came to be known to the reporter; (8) the name of the person(s) suspected to be responsible for causing such injury or injuries, maltreatment or neglect; (9) the reasons such person or persons are suspected of causing such injury or injuries, maltreatment or neglect; (10) any information concerning any prior cases in which such person or persons have been suspected of causing an injury, maltreatment or neglect of a child; and (11) whatever action, if any, was taken to treat, provide shelter or otherwise assist the child. (For purposes of this section pertaining to the required reporting, a child includes any victim under eighteen years of age educated in a technical high school or district school. Any person who intentionally and unreasonably interferes with or prevents the making of the required report or attempts to conspire to do so may be charged with a class D felony under Connecticut law, unless such individual is under eighteen years of age or educated in the technical high school system or in a district school, other than part of an adult education program.)

If the report of abuse, neglect, or sexual assault involves an employee of the District as the perpetrator, the District may conduct its own investigation into the allegation, provided that such investigation shall not interfere with or impede any investigation conducted by the Department of Children and Families or by a law enforcement agency.

The Board recognizes that the Department of Children and Families is required to disclose records to the superintendent of Schools in response to a mandated reporter’s written or oral report of abuse or neglect or if the Commissioner of Children and Families has reasonable belief that a school employee abused or neglected a student. `If DCF has reasonable cause, and recommends the employee be placed on DCF’s Child Abuse and Neglect Registry, the Superintendent shall suspend such employee.

The Board, recognizing its responsibilities to protect children and in compliance with its statutory obligations, shall provide in-service training regarding the requirements and obligations of mandated reporters. District employees shall also participate in training offered by the Department of Children and Families. Each school employee is required to complete a refresher training program, not later than three years after completion of the initial training program and shall thereafter retake such refresher training course at least once every three years.

The Principal of each school in the district shall annually certify to the Superintendent that each school employee working at such school has completed the required initial training and the refresher training.

State law prohibits retaliation against a mandated reporter for fulfilling his/her obligations to report suspected child abuse or neglect. The Board shall not retaliate against any mandated reporter for his/her compliance with the law and Board policy pertaining to the reporting of suspected child abuse and neglect.

In accordance with the mandates of the law and consistent with its philosophy, the Board in establishing this policy directs the Superintendent of Schools to develop and formalize the necessary rules and regulations to comply fully with the intent of the law.

This policy will be distributed annually to all employees. Documentation shall be maintained that all employees have, in fact, received the written policy and completed training related to mandated reporting of child abuse and neglect as required by law.

Establishment of a confidential Rapid Response Team

Not later than January 1, 2016, the Board of Education shall establish a confidential rapid response team to coordinate with DCF to (1) ensure prompt reporting of suspected child abuse or neglect; or 1st, send, 3rd, or 4th degree sexual assault; 1st degree aggravated sexual assault; or 3rd degree sexual assault with a firearm of a student not enrolled in adult education by a school employee and (2) provide immediate access to information and individuals relevant to DCF’s investigation of such cases.

The confidential rapid response team shall consist of (1) a local teacher and the Superintendent, (2) a local police officer, and (3) any other person the Board of Education deems appropriate.

DCF, along with a multidisciplinary team, is required to take immediate action to investigate and address each report of child abuse, neglect, or sexual abuse in any school.

Hiring Prohibitions

The Board of Education will not employ anyone who was terminated or resigned after a suspension based on DCF’s investigation, if he or she has been convicted of (1) child abuse or neglect, or (2) 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th degree sexual assault; 1st degree aggravated sexual assault ; or 3rd degree sexual assault with a firearm of a student who is not enrolled in adult education.

The Board of Education will not employ an individual who was terminated or resigned, if he or she (1) failed to report the suspicion of such crimes when required to do so or (2) intentionally and unreasonably interfered with or prevented a mandated reporter from carrying out this obligation or conspired or attempted to do so. This applies regardless of whether an allegation of abuse, neglect, or sexual assault has been substantiated.

(cf. 4112.6/4212.6 – Personnel Records) 

(cf. 5141.511 – Sexual Abuse Prevention and Education Program) 

Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes 

10-220a Inservice training. Professional development committees. Institutes for educators. Cooperating teacher program, regulations 

10-221d Criminal history records check of school personnel. Fingerprinting. Termination or dismissal 10-221s Investigations of child abuse and neglect. Disciplinary action. 

17a-28 Definitions. Confidentiality of and access to records; exceptions. Procedure for aggrieved persons. Regulations 

17a-101 Protection of children from abuse. Mandated reporters. Educational and training program. Model mandated reporting policy. 

17a-101a Report of abuse, neglect by or injury of child or imminent risk of serious harm to the child. Penalty for failure to report. Notification of Chief State’s Attorney.

Report of danger of abuse. 

17a-101b Report by mandated reporters. Notification of law enforcement agency when allegation of sexual abuse or serious physical abuse. Notification of person in charge of institution, facility or school when a staff member suspected of abuse or neglect. 17a-101c Written or electronic report by mandated reporter. 

17a-101d Contents of reports. 17a-101e Employer prohibited from discriminating or retaliating against employee who makes a good faith report or testifies re child abuse or neglect. Immunity from civil or criminal liability. False report of child abuse. Referral to Office of the Chief State’s Attorney. Penalty. 

17a-101g Classification and evaluation of reports. Determination of abuse or neglect of child. Investigation. Notice, entry of recommended finding. Referral to local law enforcement authority. Home visit. Removal of child in imminent risk of harm. Family assessment response program. Development of service plans and plans of care. Monitoring. Disclosure of information to community providers. Annual report. 

17a-101i Abuse or neglect by school employees or staff member of public or private institution or facility providing care for children. Notice. Adoption of policy. Employee training program. 

17a-101o School employee failure or delay in reporting child abuse or neglect. Policy re delayed report by mandated reporters. 

17a-106 Cooperation in relation to prevention, identification and treatment of child abuse/neglect. 

10-151 Teacher Tenure Act DCF Policy 22-1-3 Mandated Reporter’s Failure to Report 

PA 22-87 An Act Concerning the Identification and Prevention of and Response to Adult Sexual Misconduct Against Children

Policy adopted: March 28, 2013

Revised: March 24, 2016; December 8, 2022

Windsor Locks Board of Education



Reporting of Child Abuse, Neglect and Sexual Assault

A. What Must be Reported

A report must be made when any mandated reporter of the Board of Education, in his/her professional capacity, has reasonable cause to suspect or to believe that a child under the age of eighteen: (Mandated reporters include all school employees, specifically the Superintendent, administrators teachers, substitute teachers, guidance counselors, school counselors, licensed behavior analysts, school paraprofessionals, coaches of intramural and interscholastic athletics, as well as licensed nurses, physicians, psychologists and social workers either employed by the Board or working in one of the District schools, or any other person who, in the performance of his or her duties, has regular contact with students and who provides services to or on behalf of students enrolled in District schools.)

A mandated reporter’s suspicions may be based on such factors, including but not limited to, as observations, allegations, and facts by a child, victim or third party. Suspicion or belief does not require certainty or probable cause.


“Abused” means that a child (a) has had physical injury or injuries inflicted upon him or her other than by accidental means, or (b) has injuries which are at variance with the history given of them, or (c) is in a condition which is the result of maltreatment, such as, but not limited to, malnutrition, sexual molestation or exploitation, deprivation of necessities, emotional maltreatment or cruel punishment.

“Neglected” means that a child (a) has been abandoned, or (b) is being denied proper care and attention, physically, educationally, emotionally or morally, or (c) is being permitted to live under conditions, circumstances or associations injurious to his well-being, or (d) has been abused.

“School employee” (a) a teacher, substitute teacher, school administrator, school superintendent, guidance counselor, psychologist, social worker, nurse, physician, school paraprofessional or coach employed by the Board or who is working in an elementary, middle or high school; or (b) any other person who, in the performance of his or her duties, has regular contact with students and who provides services to or on behalf of students enrolled in the Windsor Locks Public Schools, pursuant to a contract with the Board.

“Sexual assault” means for the purposes of mandatory reporting laws and this policy; a violation of Sections 53a-70a, 53a-71, 53a-72a, 53a-72b or 53a-73a of the Connecticut General Statutes.

“Statutory mandated reporter” means an individual by CGS Sec. 17a-101 to report suspected abuse and/or neglect of children or sexual assault by a school employee. The term, “statutory mandated reporter” includes all school employees, as defined above.

B. Reporting Procedures for Statutory Mandated Reporters

The following procedures apply only to statutory mandated reporters, as defined above.

1. When an employee of the Board of Education suspects or believes that a child has been abused, neglected, has been placed in imminent risk of serious harm, the following steps shall be taken:

a. The employee shall immediately, upon having reasonable cause to suspect or believe that a child has been abused, neglected, or placed in imminent danger of serious harm, or has had non-accidental physical injury or injury which is at variance with the history or such injury, or sexually assaulted by a school employee and not later later than twelve (12) hours after having such a suspicion or belief, make an oral report by telephone or in person to the Commissioner of Children and Families of his/her designee, or the local law enforcement agency. The Department of Children and Families has established a 24 hour Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline (Careline) at 1-800-842-2288 for the purpose of making such oral reports.

Online reports may be made to the Careline by mandated reporters if the report is of a non-emergent nature. A non-emergent situation is one in which a report is mandated but the child is not in immediate risk. (Note: Mandated reporters reporting electronically when they reasonably suspect that a child has been abused, neglected or placed at risk of imminent harm in a “non-emergent” situation, can do so without risk that they will be subject to a failure to report finding and subsequent penalties.)

b. The employee shall also immediately make an oral report to the Building Principal or his/her designee and/or the Superintendent or his/her designee. If the building principal is the alleged perpetrator of the abuse/neglect, then the employee shall notify the Superintendent or his/her designee directly.

c. If a report prepared in accordance with Section (a) above concerns suspected abuse or neglect or sexual assault by a school employee, the Superintendent or his/her designee, shall immediately notify the child’s parent or guardian that such a report has been made.

d. Not later than 48 hours of making an oral report, the employee shall submit a written report to the Commissioner of Children and Families, or his/her representative, containing all of the required information. The written reports should be submitted on the DCF-136 form or any other form designated for that purpose.

e. The employee shall immediately, submit a copy of the written report to the Principal and/or Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee.

f. If a report prepared in accordance with Section (c) above, concerns suspected abuse or neglect or sexual assault by a school employee who possesses a certificate, permit or authorization issued by the State Board of Education, the Superintendent shall submit a copy of the written report to the Commissioner of Education, or his/her representative.

C. Contents of Reports

Any report made pursuant to this policy shall contain the following information, if known:

1. The names and addresses of the child and his/her parents or other persons responsible for his/her care;

2. The age of the child;

3. The gender of the child;

4. The nature and the extent of the child’s injury or injuries, maltreatment or neglect;

5. The approximate date and time the injury or injuries, maltreatment or neglect occurred;

6. Information concerning any previous injury or injuries to, or maltreatment or neglect of, the child or his/her siblings;

7. The circumstances in which the injury or injuries, maltreatment or neglect came to be known to the reporter;

8. The name of the person or persons suspected to be responsible for causing such injury or injuries, maltreatment or neglect;

9. The reasons such person or persons are suspected of causing such injury or injuries, maltreatment or neglect;

10. Any information concerning any prior cases in which such person or persons have been suspected of causing an injury, maltreatment or neglect of a child; and

11. Whatever action, if any, was taken to treat, provide shelter or otherwise assist, the child.

For purposes of this section pertaining to the required reporting, a child includes any victim under eighteen years of age educated in a technical high school or District school. Any person who intentionally and unreasonable interferes with or prevents the making of the required report or attempts to conspire to do so shall be guilty of a class D felony, unless such individual in under eighteen years of age or educated in the technical high school system or in a district school, other than part of an adult education program.

D. Investigation of the Report

If the suspected abuser is a school employee, the Superintendent or his/her designee shall thoroughly investigate the report, provided that such investigation does not interfere with or impede the investigation by the Department of Children and Families or by a law enforcement agency. In all other cases, DCF shall be responsible for conducting the investigation with the cooperation and collaboration of the BTo the extent feasible, this investigation shall be coordinated with the Commissioner of Children and Families or the police in order to minimize the number of interviews of any child and to share information with other persons authorized to conduct an investigation of child abuse and neglect. When investigating a report, the Superintendent or his/her designee shall endeavor to obtain, when possible, the consent of parents or guardians or other persons responsible for the care of the child, to interview the child, except in those cases in which there is reason to believe that the parents or guardians or other persons responsible for the care of such child are the perpetrators or the alleged abusers.

The investigation shall include an opportunity for the suspected abuser to be heard with respect to the allegations contained within the report. During the course of an investigation of suspected abuse by a school employee, the Superintendent may suspend the employee with pay or may place the employee on administrative leave with pay pending the outcome of the investigation.

A person reporting child abuse or neglect or sexual assault shall provide any person authorized to conduct an investigation into such claim with all information related to the investigation that is in the possession or control of the person reporting child abuse or neglect, or sexual assault except as expressly prohibited by state or federal law.

The Superintendent shall suspend the employee, if not previously suspended, with pay and without diminution or termination of benefits if DCF has reasonable cause that the employee abused or neglected a child and recommends the employee be placed on the DCF child abuse and neglect registry. Not later than 72 hours after such suspension, the Superintendent shall notify the Board of Education and the Commissioner of Education, or his/her representative, of the reasons for the conditions of suspension.

The Superintendent shall disclose records received from the Department of Children and Families to the Commissioner of Education and the Board of Education, or its attorney, for the purposes of review of employment status, certification, permit or authorization. Any decision of the Superintendent concerning such suspension shall remain in effect until the Board of Education Acts, pursuant to the provisions of Connecticut General Statutes. The Commissioner of Education shall also be notified if such certified person resigns from his/her employment in the District. Regardless of the outcome of any investigation by DCF and/or the police, the Superintendent and/or the Board, as appropriate, may take disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment in accordance with the provisions of any applicable statute, if the Superintendent’s investigation produces evidence that a child has been abused by a certified, permit or authorized school staff member.

If the contract of employment of a certified school employee holding a certificate, permit or authorization issued by the State Board of Education is terminated as a result of an investigation into reports of child abuse and neglect, the Superintendent shall notify the Commissioner of Education, or his/her representative, within 72 hours of such termination.

E. Delegation of Authority by Superintendent

The Superintendent may appoint a designee for the purposes of receiving and making reports, notifying and receiving notification, or investigating reports pursuant to this policy.

F. Special Reporting Procedures Concerning Suspected Abuse or Neglect of Intellectually Disabled Persons

In addition to the reporting procedures set forth above, Connecticut General Statutes require that certain school personnel, including teachers, licensed nurses, psychologists and social workers, report any suspected abuse or neglect of intellectually disabled persons over the age of 18. It is policy of the Board of Education to require ALL EMPLOYEES of the Board of Education to comply with the following procedures in connection with the suspected abuse or neglect, as defined below, of any intellectually disabled person over the age of 18.

“Abuse” means the willful infliction of physical pain or injury or willful deprivation by a caretaker of services which are necessary to the person’s health or safety.

“Neglect” means a situation where an intellectually disabled person either is living alone or is not able to provide for him/herself the services which are necessary to maintain his/her physical and mental health, or is not receiving such necessary services from the caretaker.

a. The name and address of the allegedly abused or neglected person;

b. A statement from the reporter indicating a belief that the person is intellectually disabled, together with information indicating that the person is unable to protect himself or herself from abuse or neglect;

c. Information concerning the nature and extent of the abuse or neglect; and

d. Any additional information, which the reporter believes, would be helpful in investigating the report or in protecting the intellectually disabled person.

If the investigation by the Superintendent and/or the Office of Protection and Advocacy produces evidence that an intellectually disabled person has been abused by a school employee, the Superintendent and/or the Board, as appropriate, may take disciplinary Action, up to and including termination of employment.

G. Disciplinary Action for Failure to Follow Policy

Any employee who fails to comply with the requirements of this policy shall be subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment.

H. Non-Discrimination Policy

The Board of Education shall not discharge or in any manner discriminate or retaliate against any employee who, in good faith, makes a report pursuant to this policy or testifies or is about to testify in any proceeding involving abuse or neglect.

I. Training

All District employees are required to complete a training program pertaining to the accurate and prompt reporting of abuse and neglect, made available by the Commissioner of Children and Families. In addition, all employees must complete a refresher program at least once every three years. Employees hired before July 1, 2011 must complete the refresher training program by July 1, 2012 and must retake it once every three years thereafter.

The School Principal shall annually certify to the Superintendent that each school employee working at his/her school has completed the required initial training and the refresher training.

J. Foster Care

Upon request of the Board of Education, the Department of Children and Families shall provide the name, date of birth and school of origin for each child in the custody of the Department of Children and Families who has been placed in foster care and is attending a District school.

Confidential Rapid Response Team

The District will establish, not later than January 1, 2016, a confidential rapid response team to coordinate with DCF to (1) ensure prompt reporting of suspected child abuse or neglect; or 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th degree sexual assault; 1st degree aggravated sexual assault; or 3rd degree sexual assault with a firearm of a student not enrolled in adult education by a school employee; and (2) provide immediate access to information and individuals relevant to DCF’s investigation of such cases.

The confidential rapid response team consists of a local teacher, the Superintendent, a local police officer, and any other person the Board of Education deems appropriate.

DCF, along with a multidisciplinary team, is required to take immediate action to investigate and address each report of child abuse, neglect or sexual abuse in any school.

Hiring Prohibitions

The Board of Education will not employ anyone who was terminated or resigned after a suspension based on DCF’s investigation, if he or she has been convicted of (1) child abuse or neglect; or (2) 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th degree sexual assault; 1st degree aggravated sexual assault; or 3rd degree sexual assault with a firearm of a student who is not enrolled in adult education.

The Board of Education will not employ an individual who was terminated or resigned, if he or she (1) failed to report the suspicion of such crimes when required to do so; or (2) intentionally and unreasonably interfered with or prevented a mandated reporter from carrying out this obligation or conspired or attempted to do so. This applies regardless of whether an allegation of abuse, neglect, or sexual assault has been substantiated.

Posting of DCY’s “Careline”

The Board of Education will post the telephone number of the Department of Children and Families’ child abuse hotline, Careline, and the Internet web address that provides information about the Careline in each District school in a conspicuous location frequented by students. Such posting shall be in various languages most appropriate for the students enrolled in the school.

(cf. 4112.5/4212.6 – Personnel Records)

(cf. 5141.511 – Sexual Abuse Prevention and Education Program)

Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes

10-220a Inservice training. Professional development committees. Institutes for educators. Cooperating teacher program, regulations (as amended by PA 11-93)

10-221d Criminal history records check of school personnel. Fingerprinting. Termination or dismissal (as amended by PA 11-93)

10-221s Investigations of child abuse and neglect. Disciplinary action. (as amended by PA 16-188)

17a-28 Definitions. Confidentiality of and access to records; exceptions. Procedure for aggrieved persons. Regulations (as amended by PA 11-93)

17a-101 Protection of children from abuse. Mandated reporters. Educational and training program. Model mandated reporting policy. (as amended by PA 96-246, PA 00-220, PA 02-106, PA 03-168, PA 09-242, PA 11-93, PA 15-205, PA 18-15 and PA 18-17)

17a-101a Report of abuse or neglect or injury of child or imminent risk of serious harm to the child. Penalty for failure to report. Notification of Chief State’s Attorney (as amended by PA 02-106, PA 11-93, PA 15-205, PA 18-15 and PA 18-17)

17a-101i Abuse of child by school employee or staff member of public or private institution or facility providing care for children. Suspension. Notification of state’s attorney re: conviction. Boards of education to adopt written policy re: reporting of child abuse by school employee.

17a-101b Report by mandated reporters. Notification of law enforcement agency when allegation of sexual abuse or serious physical abuse. Notification of person in charge of institution, facility or school when a staff member suspected of abuse or neglect.

17a-101c Written or electronic report by mandated reporter.

17a-101d Contents of reports.

17a-101e Employer prohibited from discriminating or retaliating against employee who makes a good faith report or testifies re child abuse or neglect. Immunity from civil or criminal liability. False report of child abuse. Referral to Office of the Chief State’s Attorney. Penalty.

17a-101g Classification and evaluation of reports. Determination of abuse or neglect of child. Investigation. Notice, entry of recommended finding. Referral to local law enforcement authority. Home visit. Removal of child in imminent risk of harm. Family assessment response program. Development of service plans and plans of care. Monitoring. Disclosure of information to community providers. Annual report.

17a-101i Abuse or neglect by school employees or staff member of public or private institution or facility providing care for children. Notice. Adoption of policy. Employee training program.

17a-101o School employee failure or delay in reporting child abuse or neglect. Policy re delayed report by mandated reporters.

DCF Policy 22-1-3 Mandated Reporter’s Failure to Report

Regulation approved: December 8, 2022

Windsor Locks Board of Education