6171.2 - Preschool Students with Disabilities

6171.2  Pre-School Special Education


Special Education

The Board of Education (Board) recognizes the value of special education and its responsibility in ensuring that all resident preschool children with disabilities have the opportunity to participate in special programs and services from which they may benefit. The Board shall maintain an early intervention program for preschool-aged children identified through the "Birth to Age Three" screening process under regulations imposed by the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) which identifies children with special education needs or developmental delays.

The District's program shall be based upon the inclusion model which maintains a significant number of non-disabled (regular education) students who serve as role models for the students with identified special needs. The Pre-K Coordinator under the direction of the Director of Pupil Services is responsible to coordinate and evaluate the program annually in order to make recommendation to the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee.

The Board authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to establish administrative practices and procedures to carry out this responsibility.  Such administrative practices and procedures shall include:

1. Locating and identifying all preschool children, between the ages of three and five, with disabilities pursuant to the
relevant provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA).  The register of children eligible to receive
preschool special education services is to be maintained and revised annually by the Pre-K Coordinator under the
direction of the Director of Pupil Services;

2. Ensuring that the parents of preschool age children with disabilities have received and understand the request for
consent for evaluation of their child;

3. Developing an individualized education program (IEP) for each preschool age child with a disability requiring

4. Appointing and training appropriately qualified personnel;

5. Providing transportation to students enrolled in the program;

6. Maintaining lists as required by the State Education Department pertaining to the number of children with
disabilities who are being served, as well as those identified disabled students not served; and

7. Reporting as required to the State Education Department; and

8. Ensuring the smooth transition from infant to preschool programs.

The Planning and Placement Team's responsibilities will include the evaluation and recommendation for placement in appropriate approved programs and the provision of appropriate special education programs and services for each preschool child with a disability. Children recommended for an educational program may enter at various points throughout the school year.

It is ultimately the responsibility of the Board to provide the appropriate approved preschool program and services for the District children.  Should the PPT's determination and recommendations differ from parent or guardian preference, placement may be appealed by a parent or guardian through the procedures outlined in IDEA.

If the PPT determines that a child is ineligible for participation in a preschool special education program, a screening for developmental and social-emotional delays using validated assessment tools, such as the Ages and Stages Questionnaire and the Ages and Stages Social-Emotional Questionnaire, or their equivalents, shall take place for such child. Additionally, each child will be rescreened every six months. The Board directs the Superintendent or his/her designee to ensure that the District considers that adequate and appropriate space and personnel are made available for such programs and services.

Legal Reference:  Connecticut General Statutes

10 76a Definitions.

10 76b State supervision of special education programs and services.

10 76c Receipt and use of money and personal property.

10 76d Duties and powers of boards of education to provide special education programs and services. (as amended by PA 97-114)

10 76e School construction grant for cooperative regional special education facilities.

10 76f Definition of terms used in formula for state aid for special education.

10 76g State aid for special education.

10 76h Special education hearing and review procedure. Mediation of disputes.

10 76i Advisory council for special education.

10 76j Five year plan for special education.

10 76k Development of experimental educational programs.

State Board of Education Regulations.

10 76m Auditing claims for special education assistance.

10 76a 1 et seq. Definitions.

10 76b 1 through 10 76b 4 Supervision and administration.

10 76d 1 through 10 76d 19 Conditions of instruction.

10 76h 1 through 10 76h 2 Due process.

10 76l 1 Program Evaluation.

10 145a 24 through 10 145a 31 Special Education (re teacher certification).

34 C.F.R. 3000 Assistance to States for Education for Handicapped Children.

American with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. §1400 et seq. as amended by P.L. 105-17.

Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504, 29 U.S.C. §794.


Policy Adopted:  May 14, 2024