3516.5 - Sexual Offenders on School Property


Business and Non Instructional Operations


Sexual Offenders on School Property


For the purpose of this policy, a sexual offender is defined in Connecticut General Statutes §54-250 through §54-261 and /or is required per these statutes to register on the state’s sex offender registry. A parent/guardian sexual offender is an individual who meets this policy’s definition of sexual offender and who has either parental or legal guardianship rights to a child attending a District school. A non-parent/non-guardian sexual offender is an individual who meets this policy’s definition of sexual offender and who has no parental rights or legal guardianship rights to a child attending a district school.

School Property includes all land within the perimeter of the school site and all school buildings, structures, facilities, computer networks and systems, and school vehicles, whether owned or leased by the school district, and the site of any school-sponsored activity.

Non-Parent/Guardian Sexual Offenders

A non-parent sexual offender is prohibited from entering a District school except:

A non-parent sex offender who attempts to communicate electronically with a student while the student is on school property will be considered on school property without permission and will be in violation of this policy.

Parent/Guardian Sex Offenders

Parent/guardian sexual offenders are prohibited from entering school property except:

a. To transport his/her own child to and/or from school

b. To attend a conference to discuss his/her student’s progress, placement, or individual education plan (IEP)

c. Under other circumstances on a case-by-case basis, as determined by the Superintendent.


Business and Non Instructional Operations

Safety - Continued

Sexual Offenders on School Property

A parent/guardian sex offender who attempts to communicate electronically with a student other than his/her child while the student is on school property will be considered on school property without permission and will be in violation of this policy.

Student Sex Offenders

The Superintendent or his/her designee shall determine the appropriate educational placement for student sex offenders except those identified as having a disability. When determining educational placement, the Superintendent or his/her designee shall consider such factors as the safety and health of the student population. The Superintendent or designee shall develop guidelines for managing each student sexual offender in District schools. If the Superintendent or designee determines that, in the best interest of District schools, the student sexual offender should be placed in an alternative educational setting, the District shall pay for the costs associated with this placement.

A PPT/IEP team shall determine the educational placement of a student sexual offender with a disability. The student with a disability is entitled to all the due process procedures available to a student with a disability under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The PPT/IEP team shall develop procedures for managing each student sexual offender with a disability that attends a District school. If the PPT/IEP team determines that the student sexual offender should be placed in an alternative educational setting, the District shall pay for the costs associated with this placement.

General Provisions

The Superintendent or his/her designee will inform the appropriate principal and other relevant District staff of the scope of the permission granted to each sexual offender.

Sexual offenders who receive permission to enter school property must immediately report to the individual or location designated in the Superintendent’s or designee’s written permission statement. The building Principal shall assign a chaperone to accompany the sexual offender while he/she is on district property. The only exceptions to these requirement are when the Superintendent grants permission to a parent/guardian sex offender to transport his/her child and when a student sex offender receives permission to attend District school in which case the guidelines developed for this individual shall apply.


Business and Non Instructional Operations

Safety - Continued

Sexual Offenders on School Property

The Superintendent will contact law enforcement anytime a sexual offender violates this policy and will immediately revoke any privileges granted to the sexual offender under this policy.

Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes

§54-250 through 54-261 Registration of Sexual Offenders.

PA 07-143: An Act Concerning Jessica’s Law and Consensual Sexual Activity Between Adolescents Close in Age to Each Other.

PA 07-4, June 07 Special Session: An Act Concerning the Provisions of the Budget Concerning Education.

United States Code, Title 42 14071 Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Program Act.

Policy Adopted: November 2019