5121 - Examination Grading Rating


5121 - Examination, Grading, Rating

The Board of Education (Board) seeks, through performance objectives in its instructional program, to make achievement both recognizable and possible for students.

The issuance of grades on a regular basis serves to promote a process of continuous evaluation of student performance, to inform the student, the student's parents and counselor of his/her progress, and to provide a basis for bringing about change in student performance, if such change seems necessary.

Students shall annually take statewide mastery examinations in accordance with applicable state statutes. Each student enrolled in grades 3 through 8 inclusive and grade eleven shall annually, take a mastery examination in reading, language arts and mathematics during the school day. Each student enrolled in grade 5, 8, and 11 shall annually take a state-wide mastery examination in science during the regular school day.

"Mastery examination" means (1) for students enrolled in grades three to eight, inclusive, an examination or examinations, approved by the State Board of Education, that measures essential and grade-appropriate skills in reading, writing or mathematics, (2) for students enrolled in grades five, eight and eleven, an examination, approved by the State Board of Education, that measures essential and grade-appropriate skills in science, and (3) for students enrolled in grade eleven, a nationally recognized college readiness assessment, approved by the State Board of Education, that measures essential and grade-appropriate skills in reading, and writing.

Achievement of a satisfactory score on the mastery examination or subsequent retest on a component of such examination shall not be required as the sole criterion for promotion or graduation.

The mastery examination given to students in grade eleven shall be paid for by the State Board of Education and administered by the provider of such nationally recognized college readiness assessment in accordance with agreements between the provider and the state board.

"Mastery examination" means (1) for students enrolled in grades three to eight, inclusive, an examination or examinations, approved by the State Board of Education, that measures essential and grade-appropriate skills in reading, writing or mathematics, (2) for students enrolled in grades five, eight and eleven, an examination, approved by the State Board of Education, that measures essential and grade-appropriate skills in science, and (3) for students enrolled in grade eleven, a nationally recognized college readiness assessment, approved by the State Board of Education, that measures essential and grade-appropriate skills in reading, writing.

State law provides an exception to testing for specified students; a limited English Language learner meeting the criteria specified in state statute may be exempt from taking the mastery examination(s). Students requiring special education are required to take mastery examinations, except in the rare case when a planning and placement team determines that an alternative assessment as specified by the State Board of Education is appropriate for an individual student.

Achievement of a satisfactory score on the mastery test or subsequent retest on a component of such examination shall not be required as the sole criterion for promotion or graduation.

(cf. 6146 - Graduation Requirements)

(cf. 6146.2 - Statewide Proficiency/Mastery Examinations) (cf. 6180 - Evaluation of the Instructional Program)

Legal References:

Connecticut General Statutes

10-14n Mastery examination

10-14q Exceptions 10-221a High school graduation requirements. Student support and remedial services. Excusal from physical education requirement. Diplomas for certain veterans and certain persons assisting in the war effort during World War II. Student success plan

Policy adopted: March 28, 2013

Revised: March 24, 2016, April 8, 2021