3850 - Pest Management Pesticide Application in Schools

Non Instructional

3850 – Pest Management – Pesticides Application in Schools

The school administration shall adopt and utilize an integrated pest management (IPM) plan for the Windsor Locks Public Schools that is consistent with an applicable model plan provided by the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection and shall amend such plan, as required, from time to time. IPM procedures will determine when to control pests and whether to use mechanical, physical, chemical, cultural or biological means. Chemical controls shall be used as a last resort. The Board of Education (Board) establishes that the school district shall use pesticides only after consideration of the full range of alternatives, including no action, based upon an analysis of environmental effects, safety, effectiveness and costs. The Superintendent and his/her designee shall be responsible to implement IPM procedures and to coordinate communications with members of the staff who are responsible for pest control, such as maintenance personnel and custodians, and hired contractors when utilized by the district to control a pest problem. The Maintenance and Facilities Supervisor shall be designated as the IPM supervisor and shall direct and supervise all IPM procedures to be carried out by assigned custodial staff and/or licensed contractors.

The goal of this pest management program is to manage pests in order to:

The Superintendent of Schools shall establish regulations to accompany this policy to ensure compliance with state law regarding the application of pesticides in school and on school grounds. Notice of the IPM plan and its related procedures as well as notice of the application of pesticides in school or on school grounds will be provided to staff and parents and guardians of enrolled students in accordance with state law and this policy and its regulations.

Legal References:

Connecticut General Statutes

10-231b Pesticide applications at schools; Authorized applicators. Exception

10-231d Pesticide applications at schools with an integrated pest management plan.

Prior notice

22a-46 Short title: Connecticut Pesticide Control Act

22a-54 Pesticide applicators, certification, classification, notice, fees, reciprocity; financial responsibility; aircraft, tree, public employee applicators

22a-58 Records to be kept by distributors and applicators

23-61a Definitions. Tree protection examining Board within Department of Consumer Protection. Regulations

23-61b Licensing for arboriculture; examination; fees; renewal; suspension, revocation. Nonresidents. Records. Pesticides

PA 09-56 An Act Concerning Pesticide Applications At Child Day Care Centers and Schools

Federal law

Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) 7 U.S. Code 136 et seq.

Policy adopted: March 2007

Revised: October 2019

R-3850-Pest Management-Pesticide Application in Schools


A “pesticide” is defined as a fungicide used on plants, an insecticide, a herbicide, or a rodenticide but does not mean a sanitizer, disinfectant, antimicrobial agent or pesticide bait.

“Integrated pest management” is defined as the use of all available pest control measures, including the judicious use of pesticides when warranted, to maintain a pest population at or below an acceptable level while decreasing the unnecessary use of pesticides.

“Emergency application of pesticides” is defined as when an application of pesticides is necessary to eliminate an immediate threat to human health and where it is impractical to obtain the services of a certified pesticide applicator provided such emergency application does not involve a restricted use pesticide as defined in CGS 22a-47.

Required Training for Employees and/or Certification for Pesticide Applicators; Emergency Exception

All district employees who use chemicals to control a pest problem must be trained and shall follow all precautions and application regulations.

Pest control contractors shall be utilized, when deemed necessary, to inspect for conditions conducive to pest problems and to develop appropriate prevention measures. Pest control contractors will be expected to write recommendations for structural improvements or repairs and housekeeping and sanitation measures required to reduce or prevent recurrence of pest problems.

The District will only employ certified pesticide applicators for any necessary and non-emergency pesticide use in school buildings or on school grounds. Contractors hired to do this work shall give evidence of appropriate training and certification in the proper use of pesticides.

Someone other than a certified pesticide applicator may apply a pesticide in an emergency to eliminate an immediate human health threat when (1) it is impractical to obtain the services of a certified pesticide applicator and (2) a restricted use pesticide is not used.

Required Notice

At the beginning of each school year, the Board will provide the staff of each school with written guidelines on how the IPM plan is to be implemented and shall provide the parents or guardians of each child enrolled in each school with a statement that shall include a summary of the IPM plan for the school. Such a statement shall be provided to the parents or guardian of any child who transfers to a school during the school year. The statement shall include information on how staff, parents or guardians may register to receive notice of pesticide applications at the school, and also include a description of the district’s emergency notification procedures. Notice of any modification to the IPM plan is required to be sent to any person who registers to receive notice of pesticide applications.

Notice provided shall include (1) the name of the active ingredient of the pesticide being applied, (2) the target pest, (3) the location of the application on the school property, (4) the date of the application, and (5) the name of the school administrator, or a designee, who may be contacted for further information.

Notice of pesticide applicable shall be provided, by any means practicable, to any person who has requested notification on or before the day that any application of pesticide is to take place at a school.

Not later than March 15th of each year, a notice of applications made since January first of such year, and a listing of such notices for applications made during the period March15th through December 31st time frame from the preceding calendar year shall be sent through the District's electronic mail notification or alert system. This notification is for those parents/guardians who previously registered for prior notification of pesticide applications.

The District is also required to print the above required electronic mail notification in the applicable parent handbook. (The law, C.G.S. 10-231c, as amended does not require the reprinting of the handbook to provide the notification or the development or use of a website, social media account or electronic mail notification or alert system not already in use or existence prior to October 1, 2015.)

In addition to the notice required to be provided to individuals who have registered to receive notice of pesticide applications, the Board shall post notice on its website or that of a school, if one exists, at least twenty four hours prior to the application of pesticides within any school building or on school grounds. Such notification shall also be posted to the primary social media account of such school or the Board, if one exists.

Additionally, the Board must provide on its website home page information how parents or guardians may register for prior notice of pesticide applications.

Restriction on Application of Pesticides during Regular School hours or Planned Activities

Except in emergency situations, pesticide applications shall be limited to non-school hours and when activities are not taking place.

An emergency application may be made to eliminate an immediate threat to human health if (a) it is necessary to make the application during such a period, and (b) such emergency application does not involve a restricted use pesticide, as defined in section 22a-47.

No child may enter an area of such application until it is safe to do so according to the provisions on the pesticide label.

Registration for Notice of Pesticide Application

Parents or guardians of children in any school and school staff may register for notice of pesticide application at their school.

Each school shall maintain a registry of persons requesting such notice.

Records to be Maintained of Pesticide Usage and Treated Areas

Information regarding pesticides used and areas treated shall be maintained for a period of five years at the school site and available to the public and staff upon request. The District shall establish and maintain accurate records of all chemical use and their location, including information on indicators of pest activity that can verify the need for action.