6165 - Alternative Programs

Windsor Locks Board of Education

Manual of Policies, Regulations, and Bylaws

Section: INSTRUCTION Definition: POLICY

Title: Alternative Programs Number: 6165

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Adopted: January 1975

Revised: November 1982; August 1983


It is recognized that there is a need to provide motivation to students who might consider termination of their high school education before graduation, on the one hand, and an incentive to students who are considering college after graduation, on the other. The development of alternate programs in the fulfillment of graduation requirements are important in the provision of opportunities for a wide range of student interest, abilities, and motivation.

The following alternative programs are approved:

a. the work experience program for students sixteen years of age who are not yet seniors;

b. accelerated scheduling during the student’s senior year enabling him or her to complete graduation course requirements during the fall semester;

c. individual schedule development in consideration of factors that influence a particular student’s adjustment and progress;

d. special education classes and programs operated locally, through the Cooperative Special Services Center and other approved community agencies;

e. the coordination of senior high school work with academic work at cooperating postsecondary schools.

Students with academic talent may presently enroll for course-work not presently offered at Windsor Locks High School at an accredited post-secondary institution. Credit can be earned simultaneously toward the fulfillment of graduation requirements and the gaining of college credit in an academic degree program.

A student may attend an accredited post-secondary institution in lieu of the senior year at Windsor Locks High School if the following provisions have been fulfilled: (1) has successfully completed all local requirements for graduation with the exception of the fourth year of English; (2) has earned a minimum of 14 credits by the end of the junior year; and (3) received prior college program approval by the High School administration and guidance department. When a transcript has been received from the post-secondary institution, an evaluation and determination will be made for the granting of a diploma from Windsor Locks High School.

In consideration of a student’s suitability to an alternative program of study, frequent counseling shall take place before approval of the student entering the program, with accord reached by student, parents, counselor, teacher, and administrator regarding a student’s placement.