9325.4 - Vote Recording

Bylaws of the Board

9325.4 - Vote Recording

The votes of each member of the Board of Education (Board) upon any issue before any regular, special or emergency session meeting of the Board shall be reduced to writing and made available for public inspection within 48 hours, (excluding any Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday for votes or Minutes of special and emergency special meetings) and shall also be recorded in the Minutes of the session at which taken, which Minutes shall be available for public inspection at all reasonable times.


The Superintendent, acting as Secretary to the Board or the board clerk, shall keep Minutes of all meetings of the Board. Copies of the proceeding shall be made for distribution to the Board members with the agenda for the next regular meeting. The official Minutes of the Board meetings and the master copy of the policy manual shall be kept in the central office. Minutes shall be made available to the public for inspection within seven days after each meeting. The votes or Minutes of a special meeting or an emergency special meeting shall be made available to the public for inspection within seven days after each such meeting, excluding any Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday.

Legal References:

Connecticut General Statutes

1-225 (formerly 1-21) Meetings of government agencies to be public. Recording of votes. Schedule and agenda of meetings to be filed. Notice of special meetings. Executive sessions. (as amended by P.A. 99-71: An Act Clarifying Certain Time Periods in the Freedom of Information Act Eliminating Outdated and Unnecessary Freedom of Information Provisions.)

Bylaw Adopted: June 14, 2012

Revised: November 2019