5145.12 - Search and Seizure



5145.12 - Search and Seizure

Students have the right to be free of unreasonable searches and seizures under the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. Balanced against this right is a school official’s responsibility to create and maintain an environment consistent with the school’s educational mission. School officials have a duty to protect the health, safety, and welfare of all students under their authority.

School administrators or their designee are authorized to search school lockers as well as other school property and to search students and their personal property (including student automobiles located on school property) with reasonable care for the Fourth Amendment rights of such students. Any such searches are subject to the following requirements:

Teachers and other personnel are directed to promptly notify school administration when a situation arises that in their opinion requires the search of student, his/her belongings, school locker/desk or other property. Teachers are not authorized to conduct a search themselves unless explicitly requested to do so by an administrator. Searches shall be conducted in the presence of another adult witness whenever feasible under the circumstances.

I. Student Searches

Students or their property, including personal automobiles parked on school property, may be searched according to the three requirements described above. Whenever possible, school officials will obtain consent from students prior to conducting any searches. It is the Board’s policy to prohibit student strip searches by school officials. The parents/guardian of any student who is subjected to a student search shall be notified as soon as feasible. Any search conducted by a school administrator or his/her designee shall be carried out in the presence of another adult witness unless an emergency exists.

An administrator may search a student’s cell phone or other electronic communication device if

the administrator has reasonable suspicion that a search will reveal that a law, Board policy, or school rule has been violated, and the search must be reasonable in scope. A student’s cell phone or other electronic communication device shall not be searched if the student’s conduct consisted solely of having such device out and/or using such device at an inappropriate time in violation of Board policy or school rules. If an administrator has reasonable suspicion that the search will turn up evidence of sexting (i.e., nude and/or sexually explicit pictures of children), the administrator should contact police officials and not conduct a search. This does not prohibit administrators from questioning students about their suspicions that sexting has occurred.

School administrators and/or teacher may seize any item which is evidence of a violation of the law, Board policy, or school rule.

If a search produces evidence of criminal wrongdoing, a school administrator or his/her designee shall notify the police. If police officials are notified, a school administrator or his/her designee shall advise the student’s parents of this fact as soon as possible. Administrators shall document all searches including an inventory of items seized. It is recommended that photographs be taken of the seized items.

II. Search of School Property (Lockers, desks, and other school property)

Lockers, other storage spaces, desks, school owned/leased technology (i.e, Chromebook and laptops), and similar school property are provided to students for their convenience. These items remain the property of the Windsor Locks Public Schools despite being provided to students for their use.

The right to inspect desks and lockers and other school property assigned to students may be exercised by school officials to safeguard students, their property and school property with reasonable care for the Fourth Amendment rights of students.

The exercise of the right to inspect also requires protection of each student’s personal privacy and protection from coercion. An authorized school administrator may search a student’s locker or desk under three (3) conditions:

Additionally, the periodic routine inspection of school lockers is permissible to ensure that school property is being used appropriately in a manner consistent with the health and safety of students. Notice shall be provided that routine inspection may occur.

In accordance with the board’s acceptable use policy, Students shall have no expectation of privacy in school issued technology.

III. Drug sniffing dogs

Use of drug-detection dogs may be used only on the express authorization of the Superintendent. The use of drug-detection dogs shall be conducted according to established guidelines and applicable law. To support an effort to eliminate the possession and use of illegal substances, the Board permits the Superintendent to invite law enforcement or individuals from other qualified agencies to use trained dogs on school property to sniff for the presence of substances prohibited by law or school policies such as those prohibiting use/sale/possession of drugs or alcohol. Safety precautions will be taken to ensure student safety while dogs sniff or searches are occurring.

IV. Use of Metal Detectors

Use of metal detectors, or similar detective devices may be used only on the express authorization of the Superintendent and in accordance with guidelines established for such use.

V. Seizure of Contraband

VI. District officials may seize any item which is evidence of a violation of the law, Board policy, or school rule. Law Enforcement Personnel

Searches of school property or students may be conducted by law enforcement personnel only with prior approval of, or at the request of, the school administration. Noted exceptions to this policy are when a police officer witnesses a crime on school property, suspects a student is armed, or a student is attempting to destroy evidence of the commission of a crime. If a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) exists between the Windsor Locks Public Schools and the local police in place protocols contained in the MOU shall be followed.

VII. Notification

Parents and students shall be notified of this search and seizure policy through its inclusion in District student handbooks, and/or placement on individual school and/or District websites. Students may be further notified of individual school practices related to random routine locker inspections, the use of drug sniffing dogs and/or use of metal detectors on school grounds through onsite postings, letters sent home or notices provided to students concurrent with locker assignment.

Legal References:

Connecticut General Statutes:

10-221 Boards of education to prescribe rules

54-33n Search of school lockers and property

Case Law

New Jersey v. T.L.O., 469 U.S. 325; 105 S.Ct. 733

Safford Unified District #1 v. Redding, 129 S.Ct. 2633

Burbank v. Canton Board of Education, 2009 WL 3366272, *8 (Conn. Super. Ct. Sept. 14, 2009)

Policy Adopted: March 28, 2013

Policy Revised: December 8, 2022



R5145.12 - Search and Seizure

Justification for Student Searches

Students have the right to be free of unreasonable searches and seizures under the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. Balanced against this right is the school officials’ responsibility to create and maintain an environment consistent with schools educational mission. School officials have a duty to protect the health, safety, and welfare of all students under their authority.

Prohibited Items

Students are prohibited from bringing to school items or substances which would disrupt the education function of the school or which are prohibited by school Board policy or administrative regulations or by law. Examples of items or substances in this category are weapons, clubs, explosives, firecrackers, alcoholic beverages, and drugs or drug paraphernalia, vapes or other nicotine or marijuana delivery systems.

Lockers and Other Property

Lockers and other storage spaces are provided to students for their convenience. These storage areas remain school property, and as such, are subject to routine periodic inspections by school authorities as well as searches. Such inspections allow responsible school authorities to confirm lockers are being used appropriately in a manner consistent with the health and safety of all students. Students should not store items which violate school Board policy, administrative regulations, or law in school lockers.


Circumstances which could put the safety of students or school staff at risk or could result in substantial property damage also constitute sufficient reasons for school or police officials to conduct a thorough search of all school property. A bomb scare is an example of such an emergency.

Principals, or designees, may also conduct searches of student lockers, or property of students themselves, when there are reasonable grounds to suspect a particular student is in possession of an item or a substance that represents a material threat to school routine or is prohibited by school Board policy, administrative regulations, or law.

Student property shall include, but not be limited to, purses, knapsacks, book bags, and the like; outer coats and jackets; footwear; belts; pockets; hair; hats; and automobiles. If students do not have access to their cars during school hours, searching student automobiles should not be done.

School authorities in cooperation with police may use dogs to conduct searches of school property and student-driven automobiles.

School authorities shall cooperate with appropriate law enforcement agencies in investigations of incidents on school property and in other investigations as outlined in Board of Education policy.

Lockers and Other School Property (Desks)

a. Students are responsible for the contents of the locker assigned to them.

b. Students are to keep their lockers locked.

c. Students are not to give other students access to their locker.

a. When the administrator believes the search is justified at its inception and is reasonably related in scope to the circumstances justifying it;

b. There are reasonable grounds to believe the search will reveal evidence that a student has violated or is violating either school rules or laws.

The search of a group of students’ desks or a group of students’ lockers, where no particular student within the group is suspected, may be conducted only if there is a reasonable suspicion of conduct immediately harmful to students, staff, or school property.

Prescription/Nonprescription Drugs

Students who have a legitimate need to bring prescription and nonprescription drugs to school should register this information in the nurse’s office. No student shall possess, use, or sell/distribute drugs of any kind, inclusive of controlled substances, nonprescription and prescription drugs and medical marijuana, in a manner that violates state law or board policy. Students remain subject to possible search and seizure for the possession, use, sale or distribution of drugs where reasonable suspicion exists to believe a school rule, board policy or law has been violated.

Lost and Abandoned Items

Lost or abandoned items will be inspected by school authorities

In the event a student search discloses evidence of criminal wrongdoing, the school Principal or designee shall notify police officials of the fruits of the search. If police officials are notified, the student’s parent/guardian should be advised of this fact as soon as possible.

Cooperation with Police and Other Authorities

The Police Department and the school system work closely to protect the health and welfare of all students, and all school personnel shall cooperate fully with the police department. On occasion, it may be necessary for the police to interview a student in school or arrest a student during school hours. The following procedures shall guide the administration in such occurrences. If the District has entered a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the police, applicable protocols set forth in the MOU shall be followed.

Questioning of a Student

Arrest of a Student

Request for Information from the Police

If the police request information from school personnel to assist them in their investigation of a complaint, personnel must be guided by the following:

Notification of Search and Seizure Policy and Practices

Students shall be informed annually that Board policy allows for the legal search of students, their personal property including personal technology such as cellphones and student vehicles parked on school grounds, school property such as school desks/lockers and as well as the possible use of dog sniffing canine and metal detectors, if deemed appropriate and necessary by the Superintendent of Schools. Searches shall be in accordance with state and federal law and Board policy and regulations.

Parents and students shall be annually notified through one or more of the following methods:

(cf. 5141.21 Administering Medications)

Legal References:

Connecticut General Statutes

10-221 Board of Education to prescribe rules.

54-33n Search of school lockers and property

New Jersey v T.L.O., 53 U.S.L.W. 4083 (1985)

Safford Unified School District #1 v. Redding (U.S. Sup. CT 08-479)

Regulation Approved: March 28, 2013

Regulation Revised: December 8, 2022