6163.1 - Selection of School Library Material



Selection of School Library Material

The Windsor Locks Public Schools Library Media Centers play a vital role in carrying out the mission of the district by providing a comprehensive and diverse collection of quality materials to support, implement, and enrich the school curriculum and to meet the information needs of each student, teacher, and staff member. The Library Media Centers seek to provide a safe and innovative learning environment in which students can learn how to retrieve, interpret, synthesize, and present information from a variety of resources in order to develop the skills needed to succeed in an ever-changing world.

Being able to successfully navigate the ever-changing world of information is essential for students' success as they become proactive members in their communities. Students are taught how to properly use dynamic electronic resources to search and retrieve empowering information. The Windsor Locks Public Schools Library Media Centers strive to encourage life-long learning. The Library Media Centers promote the love of reading as endorsed by the American Library Association.

Library Media Center Objectives:

In order to service the Windsor Locks Public Schools learning community and achieve the District mission, the following objectives are established for the Library Media Center Program:

General Selection Criteria:

Library Media Center staff will collect items that support the curriculum and reflect the interests of the student body. The Library Media Center will purchase items that facilitate learning and support State and National benchmarks for excellence. The Library Media Center will also purchase materials that instill a love of reading and nurture life-long learning. Information presented through various media, including print, non-print, and electronic resources, will inspire students to understand complex ideas and become empowered citizens.

The Library Media Center contains fiction and nonfiction books that have been chosen to teach and excite learning in all students. Materials selected for inclusion in the Library Media Center collections shall be chosen for their relevance to the curriculum and State and National Standards. In doing so, each item will be examined to determine its individual merit and to see how it complements the existing collection.

The following general selection criteria will apply to all materials, including electronic, print, and non-print resources:

Selection Criteria by Format:

The general selection criteria discussed above pertain to all Library Media Center materials. The following formats have additional concerns.

Print Materials

Books will be evaluated based on:

● Overall design quality

● Quality and relevance of illustrations

● Type style

● Density of text

● Durability of bindings

● Reading level

● Budget

Newspapers and periodicals that support the curriculum, promote instructional goals, and/or entertain and encourage outside student interests are purchased.

Reference sources will be purchased based on:

● Support of curriculum

● Cost effectiveness

● Accuracy

● Authority

● Ease of use and navigability

● Budget

Non-Print Materials

Electronic Resources such as Websites, online databases, and apps that:

● Support the curriculum

● Allow a diversity of media formats

● Represent appropriate technical and artistic quality

● Allow flexible pacing

● Provide multiple levels of difficulty

● Contain search and navigation tools that promote information retrieval

● Are accurate and current

● Budget

Digital Media that:

● Support curriculum

● Are appropriate for the intended user

● Provide diverse presentation

● Are appropriate in length and pace

● Present clear images and sound

● Budget

Audio/Electronic books that:

● Augment the print collection

● Support the curriculum

● Are appropriate for the intended user

● Provide diverse content

● Budget

Selection Procedures

The library media specialist is responsible for the overall quality and balance of the collection and will select resources through ongoing evaluation procedures. The library media specialist will rely on professional selection aids in order to develop and maintain a comprehensive collection. Library media specialists may also consider the consultation of crowd-sourced reviews.

School Staff: Since the Library Media Center collection is an integral part of the instructional and learning process, faculty are encouraged to provide individual and departmental input.

Students: To ensure that a variety of recreational reading needs are met, students are encouraged to suggest authors and titles to the library media specialist, who will determine if the suggestions are appropriate for the collection.

Selection Resources

The library media specialist will consult reputable selection resources and may consult individual discipline curriculum standards.

Professional review literature may include:

● Book Links

● Booklist


● Kirkus Review

● School Library Journal

● Horn Book

● Junior Library Guild

● Other Professional Journals

Collection Maintenance: Assessment, Weeding, and Preservation

In order to ensure that the library collection is current, comprehensive, and appealing, ongoing evaluation and weeding procedures are implemented. Ongoing weeding procedures help maintain the integrity of the collection and encourage the use of materials. Statistics gathered through the process provide an accurate description of the adequacy of the collection. The library media specialist relies on knowledge of the collection, the curriculum, and the potential for use in the evaluation process, and as a result is the ultimate authority for removal of materials.

Assessment of materials occurs informally through daily use and systematically through inventory and weeding procedures. The process is initiated annually using the automated inventory system to compute the average age of the collection, determine the weight of each Dewey system category, update circulation figures, and identify duplicate and lost copies of materials. The weeding process is ongoing and does not disrupt normal Library Media Center usage.

Criteria for weeding include several factors:


Despite the careful selection of library resources and the qualification of those involved in the selection process, objections to library resources that are deemed offensive or inappropriate may occur. Any resident, employee, or student of the school district may express an informal concern or formal request for reconsideration of a library resource.

In the event that a parent of a currently enrolled student, teacher, currently enrolled student, or other town resident expresses a concern over the inclusion of an item in the Library Media Center collection, that person shall be referred to the library media specialist. The library media specialist will attempt to resolve the issue informally through discussion to clarify the specific concern. The library media specialist will describe the purpose of the item within the curriculum and educational framework. The library media specialist will also explain the Windsor Locks Public Schools Library Media Center selection procedures and criteria and the qualifications of persons selecting resources.

If the concerned party is still not satisfied, the library media specialist will ask him or her to complete a Request for Reconsideration of School Library Media Materials form, inform the principal, and initiate a formal request for reconsideration protocol.

Formal Request for Reconsideration Protocol:

● Convene a review committee within 15 working days of receipt of the Request for Reconsideration.

● The committee will be composed of the principal, the library media specialist, and/or the director of curriculum, a reading/language arts consultant, and a teacher.

The committee will be charged with the following tasks:

1. Review the complaint

2. Reexamine the challenged material

3. Survey appraisals of the material and professional reviews

4. Judge the merits of the material on its entirety rather than on isolated parts

5. Discuss the material and prepare a written decision within 15 working days

7. If the complainant is not satisfied with the committee’s decision, he or she may appeal this decision within 7 days.

Superintendent’s Level: The superintendent shall, within 15 working days of receipt of the appeal, review the complaint and the decision of the committee and render a decision with respect to the challenge.

1. The District-Level Reconsideration Committee will consider any appeals from the school level. The committee will be appointed by the Superintendent or his/her designee as follows:

1. Director of school library services

2. Director of elementary, middle, or secondary education, as appropriate

3. Curriculum coordinator specializing in reading from the appropriate level

4. District-level library services staff

5. School librarian from the appropriate level

6. Other district-level instructional directors

7. A student from the level in which the challenged material resides (middle or high school level only)

Board of Education Level: Within 15 working days after receipt of the superintendent’s decision, the complainant may appeal to the Board of Education. The Board of Education shall review the decision of the superintendent within 30 working days of receipt of the appeal and render a decision regarding the merits of the challenge. The Board of Education will notify the complainant of its final decision.

1. The procedures for an appeal to the Board of Education will be as follows:

1. An appeal of the decision made by the District-Level Reconsideration Committee must be made in writing to the superintendent within 10 days of the system-level committee decision.

2. A decision on the complaint will be made at the next regular meeting or special meeting within 30 days of the written request to the superintendent.

3. The board reserves the right to use outside expertise if necessary to help in its decision making.

4. The chairperson for the District-Level Reconsideration Committee will present the committee's decision to the board.

5. The complainant or designee will present the petitioner’s position.

6. The board decision will be final, and the superintendent will implement the decision.

7. Decisions on reconsidered materials will stand for five years before new requests for reconsideration of those items will be entertained.

Library Bill of Rights

The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic policies should guide their services.

I. Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.

II. Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.

III. Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.

IV. Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.

V. A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.

VI. Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.

VII. All people, regardless of origin, age, background, or views, possess a right to privacy and confidentiality in their library use. Libraries should advocate for, educate about, and protect people’s privacy, safeguarding all library use data, including personally identifiable information.

Adopted June 19, 1939, by the ALA Council; amended October 14, 1944; June 18, 1948; February 2, 1961; June 27, 1967; January 23, 1980; January 29, 2019. Inclusion of “age” reaffirmed January 23, 1996.

Although the Articles of the Library Bill of Rights are unambiguous statements of basic principles that should govern the service of all libraries, questions do arise concerning application of these principles to specific library practices. See the documents designated by the Intellectual Freedom Committee as Interpretations of the Library Bill of Rights (http://www.ala.org/advocacy/intfreedom/librarybill/interpretations).

Windsor Locks Public Schools

Request for Reconsideration of School Library Media Materials

The Board of Education has delegated the responsibility for selection and evaluation of library / educational resources to the school library media specialist and has established reconsideration procedures to address concerns about those resources.

Completion of this form is the first step in those procedures. If you wish to request reconsideration of school or library resources, please return the completed form to the library media specialist at your child’s school.

Name of person making request (complainant): Telephone:


Complainant represents: Himself / herself

Organization (if yes, please name) _________________________________________________

Name of school owning the challenged material:

Do you have a child in this school? Grade:__________ Title of challenged item:______________

Publisher / producer:

Year of publication / production:

Type of media (book, ebook, audiobook etc.) Author / artist / director, etc.

How did you acquire this item?

Did you read, view, or listen to the entire item?

If not, what parts? (Please be specific - page numbers, exact scenes)

Is this item part of a series or set?

If yes, did you examine other items in the series or set?

What do you believe to be the theme and purpose of this item?

Please identify the parts to which you object. Please be specific and cite pages, chapters, frames, etc. Explain why you feel this is objectionable and why.

Does this item have any instructional value? Please explain.

For what age or grade level would you recommend this item?

What do you think might be the result of a student's reading, viewing, or listening to this item?

Are you aware of any evaluations of this item by authoritative sources? If yes, did those sources agree with your opinion?

Please list those sources:

What would you like your school to do about this item?

__________ Do not assign or recommend it to my child only

__________ Withdraw it from the school library media collection

__________ Other (please specify)

What specific item would you suggest that the Library Media Center purchase in lieu of this item?

Why is your recommendation a better choice?

Other Comments:

Signature of Complainant: __________________________________ Date:_____________________

Reconsideration Report Letter

Dear ,

The Request for Reconsideration committee has reviewed your request for reconsideration of an item in the [Windsor Locks High School/Middle School/South Elementary/North Street School] Media Center. The district regards all concerns seriously. After careful consideration of the material, its relevance to the school curriculum and goals, and its context within the overall Media Center collection, the Committee has reached a decision. A copy of the report is enclosed.

We recognize your right as a parent/guardian to restrict or question any material your child reads, listens to, or views. It is never the intention of the school district to provide students with learning experiences or activities that are in conflict with the values of their parents/guardians. For this reason, we encourage parents to communicate with their children their values and beliefs in selecting reading and other learning materials.

Thank you for your involvement in your child's learning experience. It is through a cooperative effort between the school and parents or guardians that the most effective learning conditions can be obtained.

Should you have any questions about the report, feel free to contact me at any time.


School Principal